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Building your Business with your MK Website!!
Are you ready for this. Tess Hoskins (an incredible offspring director in Orlando) has a consultant in her unit--a new consultant that made a decision to seriously work the website avenue of income.  She got started with a few products and some extra samples.  And now she can order an entire store after working really hard for THREE DAYS!
She designed an email to send out to all her friends, family, contacts, etc.  and she has a lot of friends.  She asked them to visit her website and refer people to her and to her website.  For doing that they would get something free (lipstick, nail color,whatever) and they have been giving her tons of email addresses, referrals, etc.  She has sold a ton and they are paying with PROPAY which goes directly into her checking account so she can order her STORE NOW plus profit.  She is contacting them and turning them into facials and Parties!!
Okay sit down. . .this is so incredible.  She sold between the website orders and doing lots of "On the go" satin hands and miracle set demos--- on the go. . . $7,000 retail in THREE DAYS!!