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Building a Daytime Mary Kay Business
This message is in response to a question I received about how to build up a Mary Kay business in the daytime.  I thought it was such a good question, that I wanted to share my response with all of you.

When I left my full time job to pursue Mary Kay full time, this was such a challenge for me.  I had lots of free time and didn't know what to do.  Have you ever felt that way?  Here are some things I did to make my Mary Kay work in the daytime, and now I work MOSTLY in the daytime.

1.  Know what you want.  Make out a schedule of your ideal week.  Color code your date book so you have choices at a glance when scheduling appointments
that include daytime and evening time slots.

2.  Go OUT and meet people who are out during the day.  I did not
purposefully go out to "warm chatter" more than a couple of times in my life, but I did often go to 3 dry cleaners if I had 3 items to be cleaned so I could pass my card out to 3 people I was giving my business to.  I did go to a different branch of the bank for each deposit.  I did get $5 of gas at several places.  Get the picture?  Whenever you are giving someone your business make it a point to introduce them to your business.  There will also be people out doing business during the day while you are out.  Be friendly!  Make eye contact, smile, introduce yourself and pass out your business card.

3.  Have a goal for how many people you will pass out your card (and get their name
/phone number) each day.  I had a goal of 5 for 5 days a week. This was very difficult for me to develop as a habit, but I did force myself to make it happen because I did not want to go back to my job.  It was more painful to think about what would happen if I didn't do it than thinking about my fears associated with doing it.

4.  Offer daytime as a first choice when booking.  Ask, "Do you any time available during the day?  The light is so much better, and you can enjoy your new look all day long!"  or "What's better for you, morning or afternoon?"

You will come across lots of people who will schedule makeovers, classes, and interviews during the day.  Keep meeting lots of people, and make it happen!

Karen Bonura

Additional notes from Gail Patton Menefee:

I remember so well first quitting my job soo many years ago..and working hard to get more appts in the daytime. I would ditto everything Karen said...and here's a few more tips:

1) Like Karen..I made sure to get out the door early in the morning.... running errands and booking at each place. Grocery stores were another great stop....and I would often buy milk at one store and bread at another! (As a I have groceries delivered! We come full circle, don't we?!)

2) I had a running buddy...another consultant friend who also wanted Directorship...and we would meet AT A DIFFERENT PLACE 3 days each week for a 15 minute coffee. Then we would take turns booking the waitress and/or hostess. Then we would challenge each other.. to see who could have the most new contacts by noon. Initially... we went to together for a little build our confidence...but once we got a little stronger...we found it was better use of our time... if we just challenged each other and went on our way.

3) I offered a bonus at first when I was booking if they were daytime appts. For one week...I offered DOUBLE hostess credit...if they held their class during the day. Once I had daytime was easier to book daytime from daytime.

4) I did lunch hour appts and "on the go" appts at businesses. (We didn't call them "on the gos" then...we just did them!!)

5) Like most everything's a mindset... If you are in doubt
as to just how many people are available during the day...just look around! Who is shopping daytime? Who is out and about? Most of those people PREFER daytime appts!!!