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Directorship,Vibe or Red Jacket ..a Track to run on!!
Need a track to run on???


1. Attend all functions: Weekly meeting is a MUST, by attending you show support for your Director and Sister Consultants, Plus a guest is bound to be more impressed when she sees a full room of people
excited about there business.

2. Have a Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Goal: This is important in all aspects of life, health, wealth, family, business, spiritual, and social. Where do you want your business in 1 month (on-target star consultant, 3 new people, 5 appointments each week?)

3. Say Daily Affirmations: Every Day, in Every way I get better and better. Everyone I meet is a prospect for my products or services. I am healthy, I am happy, I am enthusiastic!

4. Have goal posters in your office, car, on your mirror, work, etc. reminding you of your goals. Don't forget to put one on the refrigerator

5. Evaluate your appearance: Which areas would you like to improve? Start walking, exercise, Get a new hairstyle, try a new hair color, Start paying attention to your wardrobe. Dress professional more often, and let your make-up reflect your career.

6. Organize your family: Make them realize you are serious about this career. You can do this by disciplining yourself. Be willing to give up a TV Show to service your customers and book classes (Why not tape it & watch it after prime phone time) Talk with your family about your goals for the family-Like Vacations paid by Mary Kay $$$.

7. Complete your weekly accomplishment sheets & submit them to your Director: Write your goals in pencil an when you finish them, fill them in with pen. Determine how much you earn from your classes, reorders, facials so you know when you are improving

8. Read Career Essentials & Finish those Vouchers, You get a "Do Over" everyday. Listen to training tapes, cd's, education, motivation constantly. Do Activity Daily!

Click Here for a Daily Activity Sheet

9. Organize your office: It is simple. Use shoeboxes, manila envelopes, Use voice mail or an answering machine. Make the message short , sweet, and businesslike

10. Go To Work: Talk to people daily. Practice, Practice, Practice. It will become simpler. Hand out business cards. Put them with bills, give them to a cashier, Hand out samples and books make sure everything has your name, ph# and website! Always get referrals and prospective customers. remember to Smile :) It's contagious and a great warm chatter tool. People like to be around, positive, happy people. Attitude is 98% of your business. Mary Kay always said, "You can do all things right with a wrong attitude and fail, but with the right attitude you can do things wrong and succeed".