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Joyce Schuldt

Discipline Exudes Excellence!  This is a POWERFUL message this morning. When you "Get Up" as she puts it in this message this is what you have to look forward to for you and your family!

He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than all we can ask or imagine according to HIS power at work in us!  Eph. 3:20
I was lying in bed this morning thinking about the things I had to do today and it occurred to me that I could spend all day PLANNING what I was going to do but NONE of it would happen if I didn't GET OUT OF BED!!!  It was going to require physical energy to swing my feet over the side and GET UP!  I could spend the day in bed thinking, planning, wondering, hoping, praying.... but if I didn't put foot to floor NONE OF IT WOULD MATTER!  Are you seeing where I'm going with this? 
We can think about our Mary Kay business all we want.  Make goal posters, talk to others about our dreams, attend meetings and trainings, worry about the outcome of our actions, but if we TAKE NO ACTION it's just wasted time. Yes, reaching goals takes work, but what goal DOESN'T take work to reach?  And most of the time it's hard work.  And we want to quit over and over.  And it isn't just the BIG lifelong goals; every action we take has a goal attached to it.
I HATE doing laundry!  Despise it, wish I didn't have to, whine and cry when I have to do it, but the outcome - the goal - being welcome in social situations because I don't smell bad makes me TAKE ACTION!!! Were you hungry this morning?  Your goal was to EAT - if you   thought about fixing breakfast, worried about if you should choose eggs or cereal, made an affirmation about how good it was going to taste and called your sister to discuss the breakfast you wanted WOULD IT MATTER IF YOU DIDN'T GET UP, GO TO THE KITCHEN AND MAKE BREAKFAST???!!! I wanted to quit DURING the birth of my children A THOUSAND TIMES.  It was painful, it was excruciating it was exhausting - but the GOAL (my sweet children) was 1,000,000 times more wonderful than the pain I endured to get there.  Handing out a business card or sample is much less painful than giving birth - and sometimes it doesn't feel like it - But I think I'd rather hand out a card daily than go through labor daily!
Bite the bullet; get off the sidelines, DO THE WORK!!!  REAP THE REWARDS!  No goal comes with out work and usually it's hard work.  But the feeling of accomplishment is like no other joy in the world! Today - put FOOT TO FLOOR and take a step towards whatever goal you want!