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TIPS FROM NSD Emeritus Dalene White
Tips from NSD Emeritus Dalene White
NSD Emeritus Dalene White Workshop Notes
(Dalene was one of Mary Kay's first 7 personal team members!) 

October 4, 2004


Notes taken by Michelle Doty, Independent Beauty Consultant 

First, I have to say that this was a life-changing experience.  It is hard to put in words what this experience meant to me and everyone in the room.  It was like Mary Kay herself was in our presence.  I found myself on the edge of my seat, almost frozen, taking in every word she said.  I have compiled some notes so that I can share with others.  However, they do not do justice to her own words.  She exemplified poise, class, integrity, honor, determination and hard working to name a few.  You could FEEL the integrity and strength coming off the stage.  I feel so blessed to have been in her presence and I will carry this experience with me throughout my Mary Kay career and life.


One of Dalenes main points was that you can make a good living by selling the product and you can build lives by sharing the opportunity.

She said that thinking about it is much harder then DOING it.  She told Linda and us that we work so much harder then they did because we THINK too much about it.

She talked about qualifying for directorship and not even realizing it.  She wasnt focused on the numbers or qualifications but on the PEOPLE and activity.

Set your sights on the best dreams you can come up with.

She also said that they were expected by Mary Kay to have 15 20 classes PER WEEK on their books.  She held an average of 7 classes per week over the years before she became a National.  In her later years, Mary Kay said to her, Just think how much money you would be making now if you worked a little harder.  (Think of the $$$ you'd make with 7 classes/week! - and the bookings would just take care of themselves!)

She continued to do classes as a National.  She even discussed doing a class (or show as she liked to call it) recently to keep current.

She talked about growing up in the depression as a child, as Mary Kay did also.  She said that were broke but never poor.  Broke is a temporary condition, which you have the control to change.  Poor is a state of mind.

Mary Kay wanted an opportunity for women to be paid on ABILITY not GENDER.

Mary Kay did not take a paycheck for 3 years in order to build her company strong.

Mary Kay had a high hostess contest EACH WEEK.

When people talk about not having enough time, her answer is, We have time in this life to do the things we want to do.

If you have trouble with booking, its because you havent made the potential hostess WANT to have the show.

She emphasized to LOAD your datebook she didnt double book, she tripled book.  They really worked well with dovetailing in those days.

She has never worked under pressure because she has never depended on someone else to earn her living.

Recognition/prizes are not the reason to do the job but a thank you from Mary Kay.  Dalene had a hard time when Mary Kay first introduced the prize/recognition program.  She didnt feel that she had to be award to do her job.   Recognition goals are wonderful IF you have a business plan to support them.

One way she had the hostess realize how much money she made from her shows, was to have her add up the sales tickets while Dalene was cleaning up.

If you are selling, people will recruit.


The bigger deal you make out of something the more difficult you make it.


Burnout = copout.


When you DO the business (the way Mary Kay designed it) you STAY excited.

Dalene said, Mary Kay had a depth of wisdom that was frightening.  Therefore, Dalene always did what Mary Kay told her to do.  We need to follow her plan for the business (dialogues, book/coach/sell/recruit, etc).

She talked some about being a working mom.  She had a housekeeper who was also a nanny for her children.  One day she had to go out for something & wasnt going to be gone long.  Her 3 year old son started crying and saying, mommy, please dont go.  He really pulled on her heartstrings.  But she knew he was in good hands & went out the front door.  She realized she forgot something & went in the backdoor.  There was her 3-year-old son in the middle of the floor throwing blocks in the air having a ball, saying, WEE, WEE.  When he saw her, he had a look on his face, like, oh no, Ive been caught.  Children know how to play their mothers.  Plus, she figured out long ago, that a child can not have too many people to love him/her or too many people to love.

She repeated many times, Live on your sales and bank your commissions, that way you dont have to wait each month on your commission check to pay the bills.

She also talked about how we create a lot of jobs when we do our jobs.  Something that most of us never thought about, even Lindaif someone buys cosmetics from another company, a portion of that money goes to Wall Street & advertising.  But with Mary Kay, the money goes to us.  We put that money back into our local economy at the gas station, the grocery store, buying a house, furniture, etc.  We help create jobs and we help our economy!!

Mary Kays dreams cant continue if people make a plaything out of this....Mary Kay would never have recruited someone for personal use.

Approach your business like you are the only one who didnt have a broken leg.  You are your company.


Directors cant wait for others to do it.  You cant depend on someone else to keep your opportunity alive.


BIG ONE She had each of her unit members ask themselves (silently) EVERY WEEK, As my own employer, would I rehire me based on last weeks performance?


It is so important to be a product of your product.  Not only your face but your life should be a reflection of Mary Kay.


Be the kind of person (leader) that you would want to follow.


Why she thinks Mary Kay made it as a company:

       Their attitude

       The mission statement enrich the lives of others

       The companys service to other people

Unless we contribute to the lives of others, nothing is worthwhile.


Every person in your unit needs to know how to make a living selling the product through skin care classes.

Reorder business is built through relationships which form at a skin care class.  That is where intimate relationships are formed.


Mary Kay did a roll call at every Success meeting to see if all the local consultants were there.  I cant remember if Mary Kay did this or Dalene but I thought it was cute.  She said that if someone missed without calling, they sent a miss you card.  The 2nd week, she sent a get well card and the 3rd week, your family got a sympathy card! 

Toward the end of the program, she began to go over the ORIGINAL training notes from 1963.   attempted to write down as much as possible.  In those days, they had a new recruit training every week.  Dalene got her first recruit the day she signed up!

Use the FAB system at your classes

F Features

A Advantages

B Benefits

Features of the product

Advantages of using the products

Benefits of the product for the future

*She never gave away product.  But she sold the product so well that after their facial the person would purchase it or they thought their face would fall off!!


Original Training for New Consultants:

1.                  Attend 3 shows (observe your recruiter)

2.                  Hold 5 shows the first week.

3.                  You can attend your new recruit training class AFTER you have 5 on your books.  You couldnt get your case until this was completed!

Then she went over RESPONSIBITIES to yourself, unit, director, customer and company.

Responsibilities to yourself

1.                  Be a person that you like.

2.                  Maintain a continued study of sales, motivation etc. Attend training!

3.                  Read, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

4.                  Maintain a high self image

5.                  Look the part


Responsibilities to the unit/director

1.                    Support all unit functions, promotions.  Be a part of the TEAM.

2.                    Support your director at all times.  May disagree but need to support.  If you support your director, she will support you.

3.                    Had to take an oath that you would not share anything negative with sister consultants.

4.                    Summaries must be turned in at the door each week.


Responsibility to company

1.                  Support company policy

2.                  Project company image

3.                  Present product as outlined by the company


Responsibility to customer

1.                  Customer is always right dont ever argue.

2.                  Be honest and fair

3.                  Present a professional image at all times

4.                  Only way to keep her is to earn her loyalty (thank you, b-day cards, etc.)

5.                  Be neat

6.                  Be prompt

7.                  Be generous (but dont GIVE away the co. store)


Organization skills

1.       Goal setting:

She had a chart in columns that had the following:


       Obstacles to the goal

       Solutions to the obstacles

       What action to take to meet the goal

       Goal accomplished


2.       Keep products organized in a travel case.


The further you get from the product, the deeper in trouble you get.  (In other long ago was your last selling appointment?)


4.                  Get a housekeeper dont wait until you can afford it, get her so you can afford it.

5.                  Decide how many days a week you want to do Mary Kay then do it.



Skin Care Class (Beauty Show):

1.                  Always coach the hostess first.

2.                  Set up the table (about 5 mint.)

3.                  Always make it enjoyable for yourself and then you can make it enjoyable for them.  Immerse yourself in their needs.

4.                  Have an assumptive, take charge finish.


At this point, she talked about how she took an order.  She did this in her closing:

1.                  Recap how to use the products

2.                  Have the person take the card (order form but call it card).  Say, up in the corner I need you to fill out your name, address, birth date, husband's name). If they say, didnt I fill this out on the profile card?  Just say, yes and go on.  You want them to mess up the order form.

3.                  Then say, You can either take the complete collection, Time Wise with Glamour, just the Skin care or If you want, just the glamour.  Dont total or anything, I will personalize it for you when we meet one on one.  Sell in sets.  Keep the close this simple.


Mary Kay was intense in the study of human nature.  Mary Kay put together the words to get the most desirable response based on human nature.  Basic human nature has not changed.  Go back to HER words.

Her way of not getting cancellations or postponements:

There is one more thing if I may, with some people Mary Kay is a hobby.  But with me it is a career.  I will be there on (day & time) unless I break my leg laugh.  So in case of an emergency, have someone to stand in as a hostess for you, as I would have someone to stand in for me.  Can I expect the same of you?  It takes about half a day of work to prepare and if this cancelled it would be like someone calling in sick for his or her job. Can we expect that of each other   


She emphasized that you must recruit from your classes.  She doesnt like the word interview She preferred to use the word visit.  She has visited with people for 41+ years and never interviewed anyone.  She sat down & talked.

She would say, just watch me do it, come along with me to a show.

Showing is the best recruiting tool (ACTION)

Sermon in action, not theory.  Theory can get hungry but doesnt make the money.

She would say to her hostesses, You saw the show as a customer, now I would like for you to see from my perspective.  Then get her to observe a show & help to see how easy.

She got her first recruit the SAME day she got her showcase.

Last thing she said, One show (class), One recruit, ONE PERSON at a time.