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4 Qtr. Star Year!

From Tracey Nelson...
Being a STAR in Mary Kay is really 'part of our job'! I feel it's a responsibility we have to our customers! By being a STAR you have the product on hand to service them as they expect! And just by being our best, we are rewarded by our dynamic company for doing a great job! Have you looked at the NEW Star Program Awards? Couldn't you just find 10 things on the prize brochure that you want? Isn't it amazing that MK rewards you for doing what it is that we enjoy doing as we earn a profit for our family! I find it truly amazing!To be a STAR isn't hard! It just takes consistent effort on your part! Would you work for your 'boss' if he told you that you must go out and present his product at least once a week for the entire month? Would you perform to the tune of selling $1000 if you knew you had to to get a paycheck? Sure you would!! All it takes to be a Sapphire Star is to hold one selling appointment per week and be sure to sell $1,000 in a month time while re-investing properly your $600 wholesale. That's selling a product
(The #1 Brand) that you love and use, along with doing something that you love to do... making people feel great about themselves!Let's talk about Emerald STAR! In my opinion EMERALD STAR is the best place in the world to be your very first quarter of the Mary Kay year! Why, you ask? To earn a gorgeous DIAMOND RING on the Seminar Stage you only have to be an Emerald Star each quarter! So easily broken down - you need to order $1200 per month! That's selling only $2,000 in a months time or doing 2 selling appointments a week! Even better yet - you are only investing a maximum of 10 hours a week and profiting $20 an hour all month! *If you can cut your time allowance down - you are making more!Would you take your children and husband to Disney World? Would you take your husband on a cruise? Would you remodel your home? Would you make your way toward becoming debt free? So many things become possible by being an EMERALD STAR this quarter!!
1. SET THE GOAL!! Take out a white sheet of paper. Write $1,000 at the top. Now subtract everything you have already sold and this becomes the new total! Do this each time you sell an item and you'll be amazed at how it excites you and motivates you to GET OUT THE DOOR!
2. ORDER THE NEW PRODUCTS! You can't sell what you don't have! If you want to sell big and you want to be an EMERALD STAR this quarter -then you must order the hottest glamour on the market today!  Order the necessary items you need to re-stock and order everything else out of your $600 order in the NEW STUFF!
4. GET ON THE PHONE! Once you've placed your order you are now free and clear for at least 3 days to get as many appointments booked to show the NEW PRODUCTS ! Hold On -The -Go appointments, lunch time facials, pampering treatments, Glamour Glitz's, and my BEST recommendation is to hold TEST PANELS!! Your customers will get jazzed by giving their opinion of the new product! No mirrors and trays - just samples! Have them try everything on their arms and wash off with Time Wise! There easy and QUICK! *USE THE SWEEPSTAKES TO BOOK WITH!! Besides the new products giving you a reason to BOOK that is the second greatest reason and a tool that works EVERY time!!
5. DON'T EMBEZZLE YOUR BUSINESS MONEY! I know it's tempting to take from yourself what you have sold - even if it's only $5 or $10! But the rule is - you never take any money out of the MK money bag until it's taken to the bank. Then you divide your monies on a 60/40 split (according to the Business Tracking Register). 60 gets re-invested and 40 you keep if you are on profit level or you reinvest the 40 until you are on profit level! When you being treating your business like a business - you will MAKE A TON OF MONEY and you'll have no problem being an EMERALD STAR! Choose to start your business out on the right foot this Seminar year!
*Remember that STARS Drive Cars!
From NSD: Gloria Mayfield Banks!
Must Be Selling $600 Per Week
Must Be Getting 5 NEW Leads A Day
Must Be Booking 2 NEW Appointments Per Day
Must Be Holding 3-5 Interviews Per Week
Must Be Turning In Weekly Accomplishment Sheets Weekly &
Communicating With Your Director!
Emerald Star Puts You In A Car!