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Top 10 Reasons to be a **Star** Consultant

From Independent National Sales Director Sherry Giancristoforo
      1. The fame. You will be recognized in your unit newsletter or in Applause magazine.
      2. The awards. You will receive a prestigious Ladder of Success pin with a gemstone star to wear proudly.
      3. The prizes. Earn exciting prizes, such as the stunning Mary Kay custom dinnerware, jewelry, luggage, handbags and much more!
      4. The recognition. Earn special recognition, such as an invitation to a special luncheon at Seminar, Career Conference recognition, Unit and Area recognition--with consistency you could even take a walk on stage with all your Mary Kay buddies cheering you on!
      5. The inventory. You'll have inventory to service your clients and you will sell up to 50% more as a result!
      6. Be a team player. Help your Sales Director achieve four quarter Star Sales Director contest status to represent your unit on the Seminar stage.
      7. The money. You can earn extra cash now from your Star Consultant orders. It is a "thermometer" of how well you are doing in Mary Kay.  Show everyone that you take your business seriously.        
      8. The fun. You can make friends and build lasting relationships with high caliber, positive, "can do" women.
      9. Stars earn cars. When you are selling enough products to consistently place a Star Consultant order each quarter, you are meeting enough women to build a team. Building a team can mean earning the use of a career car and helping change another persons life for the better. (Directorship is right around the corner.)
      10. The pride of accomplishment. Being a Star Consultant may make you one of the top Consultants in your unit.