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**STAR** Consultant Bound Script
 So.....Do you really want to finish your STAR?????? The following idea  is HOT!  If you truly want to finish your STAR, you will.  If you don't care, you won't!!!  You get to decide...!!
Call 20 of your customers and tell them you are in a contest!  You need  20 people to buy $20+ and that it needs to happen each day for 3 days!!  That is $1,200!!!!  Take the following idea and sell the rest!  Collect  the money and finish your STAR!
You can be a STAR in 5-7 days if you want it badly enough!!  YOU CAN DO  IT!!  We are on the count down!  
Love & 1000% Belief in you!!

 Deb Pike
 Ex.Sr. Director