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A Christmas Carol -- Mary Kay Style

written by Mary Burgess Burnett, ESD
Suzie loved her Mary Kay career! Everyone in this company was so upbeat. It made her feel good just to be around them. Joining this company was one of the best decisions she'd ever made!! Suzie wanted to do more with her business, but she was afraid of many things. She was afraid to talk to people about her products, for fear that they would feel imposed upon. She was afraid to make customer service calls to her customers because she was afraid they'd feel pressured to buy. She was afraid to become too successful because her husband might feel threatened by her success. She was afraid to book classes and facials in the evening because she wanted to spend that time with her husband and young son. Even though Suzie had an inner desire to do very well with her business, she felt that in consideration of everyone else it was best to "lay low". Besides, she was afraid that if she ever really defined "doing really well with her business" she'd just be disappointed when she didn't make it. Recruiting was out of the question! She was afraid of two things therethe few customers she had may be lost to her new recruits, and if her new recruits failed it would be her fault for inviting them into the company! Suzie's "Why's" for not doing her best were very strong, and so the "How" was readily apparent to her. Suzie loved her family and friends. She worked well into the early morning hours on Christmas Eve so everything would be perfect for the celebration on Christmas Day. Her husband and son were long fast asleep, and she sat down to rest a moment and survey her lovely surroundings personally decorated by her for Christmas Cheer. She felt good about what she had accomplished. Soon Suzie was drowsing, and then fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of two Angels approaching her. One was evil, smelled bad and was very frightening. The other Angel was beautiful, radiant and loving and smelled heavenly. Suzie was drawn to the beautiful Angel, but instead the evil angel stepped forward. "Suzie", the creature hissed, "You are doing a very good job. Your family and friends love you; your son is devoted to you and would feel very sad and lonely if you weren't around at night. Your husband is secure in his masculinity and would be very unhappy if his dinner wasn't on the table when he came home from work. Your friends love you just as you are; they like it that you're not doing more with your business. It would make them feel bad, like you thought you were better than they are. Stay right where you are Suzie. There are no fears, no challenges, and no people to offend. This is the easy life and the one you were meant to live." Then with a smug, pleased look in his eyes he disappeared mumbling something about another victoryor was it victim???
Suzie felt something wrong, but had to agree with the dark Angel. She was doing her best.
Then the Beautiful, radiant Angel stepped forward. "Suzie", said with a smile and love in her eyes," I bring you the knowledge of your real self. You are loved deeply by your heavenly father, but he is disturbed. You see, he gave each one of his children a special gift or talent. That gift is designed to be helpful and is needed by others. And your gift, dear Suzie, is beginning to atrophy and die from lack of use. I have been sent to show you the future that God has planned for you and others through your gift."
Just then Suzie was startled awake by a log shifting in the fireplace. Fireplace!??!! She had no fireplace. Suzie and her husband had always wanted a fireplace, but the cost of installation and even the logs would put a strain on their already carefully managed budget. But here it was! She pinched herself! She wasn't dreaming!
Out of curiosity Suzie began looking around. The home was large. In fact it was the home she and George had always dreamed of. Every detail of that imagined home had come to life! As she passed the exquisite mirror in the foyer, Suzie was astounded by her own reflection. Her hair was so nice! It looked like she's been to one of those expensive salons uptown. Her nails looked great! Were they her own?! This robe! It's very luxuriousand the slippers. She took them off to investigate them further and found perfectly pedicured toes! My gosh!! Was this really her!!
Room after room was more comfortable and lovely than the last! She ascended the elegant staircase with her silken robe flowing behind her and walked into what appeared to be her sons bedroom. He was there, but he was about 5 years older!! "What a great room" she thought. Her son woke just then and called out to her. "Mom! You can't believe this!! I have decided to try out for the basketball team. I kept hearing what you said, "Josh, you can do anything you set your mind to do! The only regrets you'll have are from the things you didn't try, not the things you did." You're right mom! I remember when you won your first car. I knew how scared you were! Remember, dad and I kept telling you that you could do it. Make that call! You can do it! And you did. And then you won the car. That made me believe that I could do things to!" Suzie smiled and kissed this much older son of hers thinking, "I told him that?!!
She entered a lavish master suite where her husband lie sleeping in a fabulous 4 poster bed! He awoke as she drew up closer to him. "Suzie let me kiss you! I love you honey! How can I thank you for everything you've done for our family! I knew that I could start my business when I saw what you did with yours. You gave me courage. And now our first Christmas in our dream home, and at least 3 more years before my business will be in the black! How can I thank you for giving me this opportunity! Thank you sweetheart!" Suzie was shocked speechless! She just smiled and nodded her head. As she walked away she stubbed her toe, hard, so she knew she wasn't dreaming. Suzie found a pile of unopened Christmas Cards. One was from her friend Julie. Ahh, at least Julie will be the same. The card was simple and heartfelt, "Dear Suzie, How can I thank you for teaching me to have a successful career with Mary Kay? Today my Cadillac arrived, and I wrote out the check in full for Debbie's college tuition. Bill has left his job to devote his time fully to our church. He may go into the ministry! Karen is becoming a leader too, in her 9th grade class. She's run for class president two times! She hasn't won yet, but she just keeps on going trying again and again. I'm so proud of her! She's learning and growing so much. Suzie, I never forget that so much of what I've become is from our beautiful company and your belief in me and I was able to pass that gift on to my family. I'm getting letters too this Christmas from the people I've taught and believed in through Mary Kay. Thank you Suzie and may God forever bless you as he and you have blessed us." This is Julie!!! I was sure she wouldn't even be interested in the product!!! Suzie looked at the family photograph Julie had sent with her card. Julie's children were older, and Bill had distinguished gray hairs, but Julie!!! Could this be Julie!! She looked so polished, so confident!! Overwhelmed Suzie made her way back to the Living room and sat down in her favorite chair to think about what was happening to her. Suzie was startled awake from a noise. Her brain was foggy and it took her a moment to get her bearings. As she became fully awake her heart began to sink. She was here in the old house!!! She remembered that George had to go into work for some overtime tomorrow because they needed the cash . Josh had just quit the tryouts for basketball, knowing he wouldn't make it anyway. Julie's Christmas card lay on the end table. She opened it. It was a humorous card with the punch line "same old S___!" The card appalled Suzie! Reality hit her with a devastating thud!! Then came horror, and then shame for what she had not done; for The gifts she had refused to use; and for the people she could have influenced but did not. Then she heard the silent whisper in her heart, and she knew it was from the loving beautiful angel, "My dear Suzie. You are well loved and cherished. Begin now to do your heavenly fathers bidding. Use his precious gifts to you and be everything he intended you to be. You have been chosen to do his work through Mary Kay, and you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams because you have chosen to serve and give and believe in yourself as well as others. Begin now."


Are you one of the Suzie's in our unit? Think, pray and then act. We need all of our Suzies to step forward as we step up the pace!! Leaders are being called for!! We need you now!! Merry Christmas! May this be the year you find out exactly how wonderful you are!!!! I'm here to support you in your goals and dreams....we're going to the top..and we want YOU to go with us!! God bless you this month....and always....and thank you for all you do to make our unit great!!! Love you bunches!!! Big hugs...