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Top 5 Holiday Booking Objections & how to overcome them!
Thanks to my special friend...almost "Honors Society" Director, Stacia Christenson,, for this great article!!!

Booking is an attitude.. the attitude that
a.)    Everyone deserves and wants a discount on their personal products ( I dont know about you.. but I am a discount shopper.  I love stores like TJ Maxx, Marshall, Sams Club, Costco.  I want quality.. I just see no reason to pay full price when there is some place I can get it for less.)
b.)    Everyone wants to have a true pampering session with a few girlfriends
c.)    Everyone wants to stay updated and never look like last years trends
d.)     Everyone Understands that I must see their skin within 2 weeks of starting on the skin care so that I can make the necessary adjustments for her.. Just consider me your Skin Care Doctor!

(Remember.. objections are actually CONCERNS)

1.)IM TOO BUSY.. ie.  I know this is such a busy time of year for every woman and so it has become my favorite time of the year to be a Mary Kay Consultant.  I love that I have an opportunity to pull women together thru a scheduled pampering session.  It seems in December that if we dont schedule that time out together it never happens. and in the process of your Holiday Glamour Session.. we can work to find the perfect look for your holiday clothes..you can do a little shopping from your seat instead of your feet and its an opportunity to show off how festive your home looks with all the decorations!  .. And many of those who hostess the classes even love to share their Christmas cookies or fruit breads.

2.)I DONT HAVE MONEY..ie Right now with all your fun holiday shopping  if you feel that your money is a bit tighter ..Thats exactly the REASON WHY it would be so great for you to share your check-up facial with a few friends.. and earn your free hostess credit!  WITH 5 ADULTS.. YOU GET A 50% off SHOPPING SPREE!

3.) I HAVE GUESTS COMING..ie Right now .. so many of my customers
have out of town guests coming.. and they find that scheduling a fun pampering MK Satin hands and facial is a scheduled event that can be enjoyed by all.

4.) I HAVE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TO DO.. ie December is such a fun time to hostess a  class because with everyone out doing their Christmas Shopping , believe me.. its much more fun to shop from your seat instead of your feet.  .. no trouble finding a parking place and you dont need to wait in line for the next available clerk.  Just friends, Fun, refreshments and your Christmas shopping can be done in no time at all!

5.) I DONT WANT TO IMPOSE ON MY FRIEND ..Great.. then lets have one of those classes where no one is allowed to purchase anything!  JUST 1 hour of pure pampering!!! .. (If they call you in the next 24 hours to place their order they will get a free tube of Mary Kay Lipstick!

6.) WE JUST ALL WENT TO ONE.. Oh , great!  I just love to work with a group like that because no one ever gets everything she really wants a class.  We may even choose to do a twist on our theme.. and have everyone bring their favorite Holiday Outfit.. and I will help select a fabulous customized glamour look just for her!

. Remember.You will get to know that the exact same objections come up every single time.  It is important  that you interject the above thoughts during your class so that at the end when you are booking.. you have already overcome any objection she may have.    Make all their objections "not to have a class"  .. become all the reasons they just "must have one!!!"