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What the Devil wants from you.. Your Dreams!!
"What the Devil Wants From You"
    Edward M. Hayes, in his book, Twelve and One Half Keys, tells about a young teenager who encounters the devil.  The teen doesn't really believe the bond-haired man dressed in black is the devil, but he plays along.
    "You want my soul?"  The devil says he's not interested.
    "If not my soul...then what do you want to buy?  My car?
    "I do not want to buy second-hand souls or second-hand cars," replied the devil. "My business is dreams.  What I want to buy from you is your dream."
    When the teen questioned the devil further, he replied,  "Because my young friend, if I were to obtain your soul, I would just have a soul, but if I am able to purchase - at a fair price - your dream, then I have changed the course of history!  Your soul affects only you, but your dream - ah, that's something different.  Your dream touches the lives of countless people and who knows, maybe people yet to be born.  The effect of your dream is cosmic, and that's why I'm interested in it."
    Powerful!  Remember as you begin this month...Gods promises are not held in check by your limitations.  Most of us have been conditioned to magnify our limitations which only serves to offer an excuse...Are you giving your limitations power over God?   ( Oh, my gosh...the holidays are here....not enough time...everyone is can I possibly work my business AND do everything else which needs to be done.....I think I will just wait and start fresh in January.......)  Your perceived limitation...notice I said.."Perceived" an invisible barrier which shuts down your creative ability and your imagination. 
    A limitation only is effective in the degree that you accept it as factual...It gives you a mindset that forms a border around your business.  .....Remember a speed limit only has affect on what the driver agrees to one diminishes the power of the car!   You can do anything this month!  You have heard this many times before but it  won't  go to work on your behalf unless you apply it and go to work!   Believe it and achieve it...Continually remind yourself this month...someone else in your exact situation will accomplish exactly if not more what you are wanting....why not choose to be that person?  You can, I believe in you enough for you to triple what ever you have set as a goal! 
    Now, get out there and Have One Power Packed Day...It is your choice...CHOOSE! 
    I adore you, my most determined focused women! XOXOXOXOXOXMPNSD

Mary Pat Raynor
National Sales Director
"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."  Proverb 3:5,6