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From: Julie Potts

I guess I feel a bit more qualified than usual since I achieved 2 Gold Medals-Oct and Nov-to teach on the topic of recruiting. Let me make this very simple, since it is a very simple thing.

1-Ask every hostess, new client, existing client---"who do you know that might like to do Mary Kay? I am in desperate need of help with the Holiday Season/Launch of our new teenline/all the new year-new look makeovers." Pause..."what about you...I think you'd be great because ___(pay her a sincere compliment)"

2-Remember that she will say "no" because you just paid her a compliment. Don't we usually say, "oh this ol' things been in my closet for years" instead of, "thanks, I think I look great today too." I usually reply with..."I know that you are really busy/etc and that's exactly why I thought you'd be great at this...you see so many people. Can I give you some information to listen/read? or Can we have coffee and just consider the possibility"

3-All they want is to have their questions answered so my interviews are getting shorter and more to the point. Robin Rowland taught us years ago to ask, "if we only had 5 minutes, what would you really want to know about Mary Kay and what is your biggest concern?" Interviews should be an opportunity for her to ask the questions she needs and for you to give her right answer plus exposing her to the avenues of making money...facials/classes/parties/on web/on-the-go and team building.

4-After you have answered her questions, get to the point--ask her, "do you have enough information to go ahead and order your Starter Kit? It's $100 plus tax and shipping." THIS IS A KEY POINT---DON'T DRAG OUT THE INTERVIEW IF SHE IS READY!!!! SHE'S WAITING FOR YOU TO ASK HER. If she needs more info, then she will say not yet. Then go ahead and give her the facts....

5-While giving her the facts, paint the picture of how MK is going to work into her life...if you can't sell yourself on why then you won't be able to sell her on how. I love this line, "___, this is how I see MK working for you...with all your activities you are going to be seeing people everyday. Wear your pin and pass out samples or brochures and eventually you have a nice client list with people you see everyday. They would rather stop you in the hall or call you up and say-could you bring a cleanser and lipstick to me tomorrow." That's what she wants to know...not how you are doing it.

6-Be a great listener...not that you get sucked in to her drama-but you are listening to clues on how MK is going to work for her. You are the professional...sell her on the possibilities. For every one reason of why she thinks she can't...I can tell you the names of Nationals and Top Directors who had the same obstacle and got through it!!!! (This is a perfect reason to attend all the company events as possible to meet these women.)

7-Bottom-line is that recruiting is easy and one of the most rewarding parts of this business. The money is great. But to see that you have helped someone else make her dreams come true is beyond thrilling!! Her voice as she finishes her first $200 class or her first recruit. When she picks up her car or at her debut when she thanks you. When she is frustrated because 10 classes have postponed and you are able to lift her spirits. I just don't understand why we don't share MK with everyone...it's their decision to join or not. It's our job to let them know what they are missing out on.

Please stop being selfish---tell your clients about this awesome business--you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's our job, said Mary Kay Ashe, to tell others about our products and about the career opportunity.

