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Parallels in the Superbowl & Mary Kay




Flag on the Field -NEW 1/24/06

Super Bowl Squares

Customer "Super Sale"

Here is the "SUPER BOWL GRID" for 2005 I handed out at MNL




Have a $1,000 week with the Super Bowl Pool!!
Ladies and Gents,
I just got this from my wonderful Sr. Sales Director, Janet Weir. I know lots of the ladies in our unit have done this for years and have had some great weeks so thought I'd share. She's done all the work for us so all we have to do it work the phone. Can't get any easier than that now can it? Thanks, Janet!!! Enjoy and make it a $1,000+ day,
Jennifer Sevatson




It's Super Bowl Weekend....many of you have been "snowed in" all week. It's a good time to contact every single breathing Customer! I realize many of you have done great phone-a-thons...but continue on...call EVERYONE! Your customers will be thrilled to hear from you. So here's the idea! CALL & SAY....

"Hi ________ , it's ________. It's Super Bowl Weekend & we're having some fun! I knew you'd want to get in on this....who do you think will win? TEAM 1 or the TEAM 2?" (Let her answer) "Here's the deal...if you choose the winner, you'll get 20% off anything you're running low on today...and don't worry, if your Team doesn't make it - you'll still get 10% off! You can't lose! So tell me what you need to survive this winter weather." (Cleanser, moisturizer, Satin lips, Satin hands, lip
gloss, etc - Customize the conversation with products SHE uses! Even suggest a Valentine Gift for Hubby or teenage daughters)
NOTE: Melissa Cody sold 8 Valentine Gift Baskets (each worth $50 or more...1 was $100!) on the phone in 1 day! Close out by saying, "If you think of any other products or you know of someone who might like to get in on our Super Bowl Special call me! I'll be watching the game Sunday...and I'll be cheering for your Team! And by the way...when I deliver your products, I'll bring the new Spring Colors for you to see...they are so beautiful!"

Consultants.....isn't this a great idea! Just so you know....get that Cash Flow going...and you can still get your Spring Colors ordered and keep on track for Consistency...You can do it!

Super Bowl Sales

Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday - Do not let the week-end go without a great sale. 2 ideas:

Idea #1. - the best idea - have a 5 class day - all at once - here is how:
Call 5 of your best customersfriends - tell them you have been challenged to facial 15 customers in 1 day. Have your 5 friends come to your home at 2:00 and bring 3 of her friends with her! All at the same time. ( I would ask 6 just to make sure) That would give you between 15 - 20 - all at once and just do from cheeks down. This is what you say:
"Hi Sue, This is (your name), I am soooooo excited and I wanted to call and tell you the news. My director has challenged me to facial 15 women in one day and I really want to do it. I am calling my most dependable friends and I knew I could count on you. What would it take for you to come over to my home (Sat or Sun. - you choose the day ---- or why not do both and have a 10 class week!! :) and bring 3 of your friends? I will give you your choice of any product absolutely FREE for helping me out! (You will be surprised by this - they will often times just pick a lipstick or something small). I will make it worth your time and we will have a great time - besides, the new spring line has just arrived and I cannot wait to show it to you! What do you say?..."
Tell her that her sales have to be a least $100 with 3 guests to count as a class and she can take outside orders for another surprise free gift.

Idea #2: have a Super Bowl Sale - Call all of your customers This week - all they way up to the end of the game, and tell them you will be giving a
special to 2-3 (depending on your # of calls goal) specials away at the end of the game. You are going to add the scores of both teams together and the
customers with the $ amount order closest to the total scores - can have that amount again in product at 50% off.
Example: The scores for the game are 24 to 20 - added together is 44. The closest orders to $44.00 win another $44.00 in product anytime within the next month at 50% off - only $22.00.
Don't miss this great opportunity to get the "girls" out of their house while there men watch the game - and you make lots of money...
Order the new products NOW - They are ALL awesome - you are going to love the glamour and be amazed by the supplements!! Call me today if you will
accept my challenge to have a 5 class week!!
Have a wonderful weekend! Beth, NSD in 3 months!!

1. Cute SUPER BOWL BOOKING SPECIAL this week - the Hostess becomes the Quarterback - you're the Coach. If she can Huddle with:
1 person who purchases at least $25 - she gets 10% off!
2 people who purchase at least $25 - she gets 20% off!
3 people who purchase at least $25 - she gets 30% off!
4 people who purchase at least $25 - she gets 40% off!
5 people who purchase at least $25 - she gets 50% off!

Great Super Bowl Idea...
Thanks ESD, Linda Wicks for passing it on! I forwarded it to all my customers already, without all the other "stuff" on there! Cah't wait for Sunday now!
Copy 2 per page on card stock, cut in half, address and mail. Make sure your email address and/or phone number are on the return address side. But mail it out fast!!! They need to receive it at least by Saturday! Then, man the phones on Sunday during the Super Bowl, or else have your voice mail do the work. Let me know how you do!

"What's This?
My consultant sent something in the mail!"
It's a postcard announcing a Super Bowl Phone Sale!
Some people look forward to this annual event,
An opportunity for you to save every cent!
25% off(1st quarter), 20% (2nd quarter), 15% (3rd quarter), or 10%(4th quarter),
It's a chance to stock up, so get out your pen!
To determine the discount you get on your order,
Match your percentage to the football quarter.
The sooner you call, the more you save.
Gives you something to do if your man's in his cave!

Plus, for orders placed by halftime, you see,
Guess the total of points scored by the teams.
If the number you guess it should happen to be,
You'll get your order entirely free!
For an updated facial or maybe a class,
Get a few friends together, we would have a blast!

If you prefer discounts the whole year through,
Check out the Mary Kay opportunity, it might be for you!
For prices, new products and colors to pick,
Call me or visit my website and click!
At any rate, at the game have this postcard in hand,
For your Mary Kay products, "America's Best Selling Brand!"
Your name
(thank you Dir. Carol Newlin)