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It had been a long day! I was finishing a task;

And as I hurried past her, A little voice said, "Ask!"


"Oh, not today!" I told myself; I'm tired and it shows.

Besides, I might look foolish...

And she'd likely just say, "No!"


While drifting off to sleep that night,

I saw her face again.

I wondered what her life was like...

her needs, her dreams, her pain.


What if she'd been wishing

For a friendly word and smile,

A chance to know somebody,

who would go the "extra mile?"


What if she'd been waiting

For a break, an open door?

Was this the opportunity

that she'd been praying for?


I saw the cars she might not drive,

The rings she might not wear,

Because I would not risk myself

To stop...to ask...to care.


So what if what I offer her

Is not her cup of tea?

That's a choice for her to make...

How selfish can I be?


When all my dreams are realized

I don't want to regret

The lives I wouldn't touch and change...

The "no's" I didn't get.


Oh, let me live a true "go-give",

And let my mission be

Not to think, "Do I need her?"

But maybe she needs me!