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 December 16,2010 - March 15, 2011

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goal setting


Your "why" is your overall dream. We are all independent businesswomen. And if we know our dream, then we feel we are on a treadmill at times. Your "why" or dream in life is what keeps you motivated and disciplined.

1. My dream or my "why" is to be a stay at home mother.
2. I know someday we will have that country home.
3. Raise my own children, teach and impart to them the valuesthat I feel they need.
4. Someday my children will go to the college of their choice and I will be able to pay for it myself.

Your Dream
What is My "Why"? How Do I Achieve It?
Close your eyes and take a few minues to dream about what you want to do with your life. What is your dream? What do you want to achieve?

What is a Goal?
With you "why" in mind, consider setting goals that may help you climb toward your dream. Goals are the rungs of the ladder that lead you there.
The difference between a goal and a dream is this: a goal is what can lead you to your dream and goals can give you direction and a track to run on.
Goal Three:  Independent Sales Director

Goal Tw  Earn the use of a Pontiac Vibe

Goal One: Power Start Plus

What is a Goal?

A good goal is desirable and attainable.

A good goal has a price. Decide what you want and
then weigh the cost. How do you feel about the cost of this goal?
Are you prepared to pay the cost at this time? If the price seems a
little high to you now, do not feel guilty.It just may not be the right time
for you to work towards that particular goal.

Independent Sales Director Price:
Give up one night a week.

Pontiac Vibe price:
Children will want old car.

Power Start Plus Price:
Miss Lunch With Friends

A goal must get you fired up. A goal must make you not want to go to
sleep at night. That is a good goal. If the goal is not getting you juiced up
and making you feel like " I am not going to sleep until the goal is done,"
the goal may not be big enough.


Big Goals Small Goals
Do you have courage?

It does not take courage for you to tell me what you are going to do in a year. What really takes courage is for you to tell me what you are going to do tomorrow evening on the phone.
Do you have enough courage to  reach your goals?

What steps do I take to achieve my goal?

1. Write it Down.
This is something that I often forget. It should be on paper. Strategize and think about why you want this goal  and why it is important to you.

Make it Positive. 
State is positively. For example, instead of saying "I will not be late", say, "I will be on time". 
State it often. And you may find that people will start saying it back to you. "You are going to be a National Sales Director.
"You say, I sure am going to be a national Sales Director.
State is courageously. Do not be afraid of stating it. You should not have a secret goal.

3. List the benefits and the advantages of accomplishing the goal.
Make the list because when you become a little bit unsure, you can say, "This is my why."  This is why I am doing this. This is why I am going to go back into my studio tonight and make 10 phone calls in the next 30 minutes.

Example Benefits: Flexiable Schedule

4. List Your Obsticles to Your Potential Goal
There may be things you need to change. For example, if you want to become a sales director, but you have no childcare that can be an obsticles that needs to be taken care of.

Example Obsticles: Husband not supportive.
                            Might fail in front of family

List the skills and knowledge you need to accomplish your goal.
What skills and knowledge do you need to accomplish this goal? When you find the resources, you will be on your way to mastering those skills.

Example Skills: Need to improve hostess coaching

6. List Your Mentors and Helpers
Reley on mentors and helpers for advice to help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to accomplish your goals. The Mary Kay Opportunity offers so much in terms of mentors and helpers; there are people and business tools to help everywhere.

Example Skills: Have trouble approaching people- ask sales director.

7. Develop A Plan Of Action
A good plan of action can help you meet your goal. If you are wondering what knid of plan of action you should use, you can ask your sales director or mentor. Ask your mentor, "Is this a good plan of action?" "If I continue on this plan, will it get me to my goal?"

What Can I Do To Help Me Reach My Goal

Find A Power Partner
A Power Partner is someone who keeps you accountable to your goal. Your power partner may ask, "How many names and number did you  get?  Who did you talk to?   Who did you present the marketing plan to? Did You get Your five leads?"

Have a Timeline
Every goal should have a timeline, so you cannot be envasive when you set your goal.

Plan when to begin, when to end, and how long it should take. By putting a time limit on your goal, you automatically take it outof the realm of  wishful thinking. Regaurdless if it is a week, month, or ten years, a deadline gives a much needed sense of urgency and serves as an incentive toward reaching your goal. Then if you miss a goal , the goal did not change, just the deadline changed. But the goal is still the same.

Have a Plan For Challenges
Sometimes we trip ourselves up because we do not plan for some dissapointments. Do you know that dissapointments can make you stronger, bigger better and healthier? And it is just getting you ready for leadership.

"If you do not go through, you cannot grow through."

Mary Kay used to say she had the bloodiest knees of all. She fell down and got back up again so much more than we ever thought about.

Have a Visual Aid
You wrote down your goal, you said it out loud, now make it visual.

Whatever your goal is , Why not put it on a poster board? You can put the poster board in a place where you can see it and when you do not feel like working, seeing the poster board can provide the motivation you need. It is important that your goal is visual and that it encourages you.


Include some compassion for yourself. If you do not meet your goal, do not beat yourself up.
Mary Kay taught us that we fail forward to success.




Hello; you have reached the ___________________and the office of Mary Kay Beauty Consultant_________________________.

 Put on a smile and be of good cheerthe waiting is over and the New Year is here.  Leave us a message at the tone and we will get back to you later when we're close to the phone.  Happy New Year!!..

There's a face with that voice-I know it's a fact.  And I know that you'd like to get in on the act.  New Mary Kay products are coming out this year, customers are applauding with excitement and cheer!  I know you don't want to be left out of the loopso leave me a name with your  number and I'll give you the scoop. ( Pass the word)

This is Valentine's month. So take the time to say I love You to those you hold dear.Mary Kay customers you truly are the heart of my business.

Mary Kay Customers.there's new products to embrace that will do wonders for your face, dark circles fade away leaving your radiance there to stay!  Keep an eye out for the Look. Our springtime up-date book. Arriving in your mailbox soon!  Thank you and have a great day!

The luck of the Irish, a pot of golda little more rain and we'll all start to mold!  So burst forth a smilelet your sunshine unfold.  And leave me a message and I'll return it before this day gets too old.  Have a Happy St. Paddy's month.

It's with the luck of the Irish, a pot of gold, a Mary Kay face it's age never told.  Now take the challenge if you be so bold. Be one of our new faces as Spring products unfold.   Hope you'll help me reach a goal!  Just leave me a message..

200 new faces I want to be mine to clean them with Time Wise so they sparkle and shine. Then dust them with powder add glamour to go.  Would you be one and who do you know?  I could sure use your help so leave me a message so I can schedule you in.

Spring is here it's clear to see..there's sunshine and blossoms and leaves on the tree.  So now is the time to up-date your look, just leave me a message and an appointment we'll book!  May you enjoy a sunshiny day,good-bye

30 faces this month we'll make ready for Spring.  An hour of pampering will make your heart sing! The convince of home with the products on hand, could make you customer of the month and it will be grand!  Will you help me meet my challenge?

There's a mighty big goal that's taking us put Mary Kay products on (2000) faces.  Each opinion we value as we share what's new.  When would a facial be convenient for you.

The summer sun is lots of fun------but protection is the key!  Why not play it safe with a Mary Kay sunblock, that's easy as can be!  Just leave me a message and we will get together soon.  Thanks, and have a wonderful day!

 This is the office of INDEPENDENT Mary Kay Beauty Consultant_________________.  Hope you are enjoying the summer.  Enjoying the sun, using sunscreen protection, Mary Kay's got a great one!  Leave me your name and a number..Thank you and have a bright sunny day!

The day's are longer.there's so much to do.  We are out and about so we have missed you!  Just leave us a name and a number to ring and when we get in we'll so just that thing.  Thank you and have a great day!

A new season a fresh new start a new generation of skin care.will you be a part?  Reserve your sample of the new TimeWise formula today. It's for the woman who makes every minute count!  Leave a quick message and I'll soon return your call.

Excitement is brewing I tell you it's true.  There are wonderful new products for the beautiful YOU!  Let me share all about thembook a facial or class. You'll want to see them so don't be the last!  Leave a message

The colors are changing the weather is too. Would an up-date facial be good for you?  Leave me a message

Season is changing the weather grows cold, a new look in glamour if you be so bold.  The colors are soft blending with care.  Just leave me a message and I'll call you back there.

It's the month of Thanksgiving I know it is true.  And I'd like to say thank you for just being you!  Your message is important, I want to reply So leave me your number, who's calling and why.  Have a Thankful day!...

The season is full of all the sights and sounds, where hurry and scurry and long to-do lists are found.  In the midst of it all a moment of peace there can be when you sit down and do your gift shopping with me!

It's the holiday season..a time of good cheer.  Do you have all the Mary Kay products you need for this year?

There's a chill to the air and the leaves are all dropping,there's cleaning and cooking and long lines while out shopping!  RELAX,breathe deep and rejoice, your shopping can be done within the sound of my voice.Let me, your Mary Kay Consultant, help you with your gift buying needs!  And gift wrapping is free when you are shopping with me!  So leave me your name and a number to call.  And I'll give you a jingle so we can take care of that list once and for all.

        Now work your work and play your play and whatever you're doing have a great day!

by NSD Arlene Lenarz

This company needs leaders, more leaders like you,

Who use their influence at the right times for the right reasons;

Who take a greater share of the blame and a smaller share of the credit;

Who lead themselves successfully before attempting to lead others;

Who continue to search for the best answer, not the easiest one;

Who add value to the people and organization they lead;

Who work for the benefit of others and not only for personal gain;

Who handle themselves with their heads and handle others with their hearts;

Who know the way, go the way, and show the way;

Who inspire and motivate rather than intimidate and manipulate;

Who live with people to know their problems and live with God to solve them;

Who realize their dispositions are more important than their positions;

Who mold opinions instead of following opinion polls,

Who understand that an institution, a company, is the reflection of their character;

Who never place themselves above others except in carrying responsibilities;

Who will be as honest in small things as in great things;

Who discipline themselves so they will not be disciplined by others;

Who encounter setbacks and turn them into comebacks;

Who follow a moral compass that points in the right direction regardless of the trends.

Frosty Faces


    Now that winter is here, call every one you know to tell them about the great products we have for cold weather! Get them off to a great start with products that will help protect their skin.

For normal/dry customers who become dryer,
recommend the Enriched Moisturizer from the Classic line. If additional moisture is still needed, recommend Advanced Moisture Renewal Treatment Cream. Apply after moisturizer.

For combination/oily customers getting a little dry, recommend Balancing Moisturizer from the Classic line. NOTE: Time Wise moisturizer for normal/dry customers is usually too rich for combination/oily customers. 

Recommend Extra Emollient Night Cream, for Dry to Very Dry customers. Apply after moisturizer (Satin Hands Hand Softener can be used for those needing a fragrance free product.) Be sure to mention that this product works best on damp skin if using alone!

Other Products: Eye Cream $26-$30; Satin Lips $18

As a gift with purchase, you could offer the Mary Kay Lip Protector SPF 15 with $40 or more, you could offer a discount or heres a cute ideaa package of Hot Coco Mix with a Peppermint Stick in a cello bag!



Of course start with our Best Seller Satin Hands. 

It is a super-softening treat for hands, arms legs, and feet. Add a Classic moisturizer. $52

Head-to-Toe Set, Extra Emollient Night Cream and Hand Cream, $23

Just Hands, Hand Cream and the travel size Satin Hands Set, $14

Classic Moisturizer and Hand cream, $28
PS  Remember the men too!

1. The essence Of Leadership

2. Mary Kay The Leader

3. Getting Started: The Who and How
of Building Offspring

4. All About DIQ

5. Growing from DIQ to Independent
Sales Director

6. Getting Organized

7. Focus On The First Few Months

8.What Changes When Your Titles Changes

9. The Roles as A Mentor and Coach

10. Let's Talk About Conflict

11. Helping Your Offspring Get Into
The Groove

12. How To Stay Strong When Your
Offspring Struggles

13.Leading The Way