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Lisa Madson's Recruiting Script

"This is my favorite page.  I want to ask you some questions about your career.  I don't want you to answer me, I just want you to think in your mind about the job that you are at right now.  At your current job, do you have all the flexibility in the world??  If you wanted to take a day of for your son's soccer game, could you??  If you wanted to take off for your daughter's pep rally, could you??  If you all of a sudden had a hot date and he wanted to take you somewhere special in the middle of the afternoon, could you go?? 
Do you have all the flexibility in the world??"

"At your current job, right now, if you gave it your all for the next 5 years, could you change your financial situation??  At your current job COULD you change your financial situation if you gave it your all for the next 5 years??"

In your current job, are they constantly praising you for everything you do?? Are they constantly building you up and telling you how much you mean to them??  Are they doing that??"

"You may be sitting there thinking there isn't a career like that.  I want you to know that I was approached to sell MK___years ago.  When I was first approached my initial reaction was "no thanks, I'm not interested".  But to make a long story short, I decided I would sit down and listen to the woman, and hear about the facts and then I could say "no"."

"Mary Kay has changed my life."

What I'd like you to do is just watch me and see if you could ever see yourself doing it, and you know what MK says...there is a new beauty consultant at every class, and I agree with her.  Who do you think would be good?? (physically back off and be quiet).....well, just watch me"

During the individual close:
"Mary Kay may or may not be right for you, and that's ok.  If after 10 minutes you don't want to hear anymore of what I have to say, we'll call it a coffee day.  At the very worst, we'll have a great time having coffee together.  But if it is for you, and MK could change your life and give you a career opportunity like it did for me when I was unsuspecting and thought I had no interest, I will be thrilled to have extended that invitation to you."