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PHONE CONFERENCE  Marketing Calls.

Fun and interactive 33 minutes ...
No matter where you live in the United States. ..this works!
Use this to build YOUR team  and share the Mary Kay opportunity with women everywhere!!

The call-in number will always be
1-603-488-0300 will be asked to enter the  pin number1377135#

Dialogue  to invite your Guests to join in on the Guest Panel  marketing Conference  Call :

"Hi _________,    This is ________,  Do you have a quick minute?

The reason that I am calling is because I am moving up to a new position in my MK career and part of my training is to learn how my director shares about the history of MK and how to answer questions about the career opportunity.

 "_______, For my training.. I need to listen on a phone call as my Mary Kay Director covers this information     She asked me to  select some of my sharpest customers  as well as women who would be kind enough to help me out, and  I thought of you first! I know that you may not be interested in becoming a consultant with MK but you are so sharp and just your listening helps me out.    As you hear the facts you may even suggest someone you feel would be great.. or you may look at it for yourself!
    We do these on a  33 minute conference call on _________ (insert day and time.. give the next 2 dates)"    (SET THE DATES UP IN ADVANCE WITH MARSHA)

"All you will need to do is  dial in as a guest and ask one question about MK.   In exchange for your time and help, I will give you a lipstick or  lip gloss  of your choice.  I can't tell you how much I would appreciate your help!

Is there any reason you wouldn't be willing to give me 33 minutes in exchange for your lip product!!  Which date would be best  ________   OR _______!  Wonderful!"

    ...."Since you will need to ask 1 question.. take a moment before the call and pretend that you are seriously considering a Mary Kay career.. what might you want to know?"
 " I can't wait until the call ________  AT______.  I will phone my Director right away to make a reservation for you!! "

You could ask 3-5 customers  to call for every time slot!! .. Imagine the exposure they will get to the marketing