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star certificates

Star Certificates!


How badly do you want to be a Star this Quarter?  Even if you havent sold anything, or ordered any product this quarter, you can be a star!! Sell just 20 of these Star Certificates for $100 each and place your order!!  If you have ordered already, or have a goal to be a higher star, adjust the numbers youll need to sell to fit your situation or goals!  Women LOVE bargains and they LOVE to help other people reach their goals!! When they buy the products, we know they will love them and then be reordering them at full price!  If they are not your client yet, they may still be willing to help you reach an audacious goal and become your client!  JUST ASK!



Certificate Price


Sell 20


$1800 order + most of tax to be a STAR!!






Certificate Value


Sell 20


Retail delivered





Retail left in stock to sell!

 Now if  you collect tax on the $125 when they buy the certificate, this is what you number will look like:

Certificate Price


Sell 18


$1800 order to be a STAR!!






Certificate Value


Sell 18


Retail delivered





Retail left in stock to sell!

* Star Certificates *