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January 2008


  A message from your Director.....
              HAPPY NEW YOU!!
With the Holiday rush officially behind us,  it's time to reflect upon the last 6 months of your business, and make changes  if necessary,  and look forward with great anticipation to the next 6 months.
     We are officially half way through the Seminar year.....
with the best half left
Are you ready for CHANGE?? 
Are you ready to "step into" who you have been created to be?  Are you ready to claim the "little girl desires and big paychecks" of your heart?
  Mary Kay truly is the vehicle to make everything happen!  So give yourself a "God Sized" goal for the next 6 months!  Not something that's easy enough to complete in 1 month!  A good goal is something that can only happen if you... work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God!  Work with him as your running mate and amazing things will start to happen! 



WHO will be the FIRST?  WHO will step up to the plate?  WHO will make their dreams come true? 
WHO wants to earn MORE cash
WHO wants to be more fulfilled than they are? 
WHO wants to become the best person they can be?  Well if your answer is ME... ME...I want all of that!  Then your choice must be to set your sight and become our FIRST RED JACKET this month!! 
Why not take advantage of what Mary Kay has to offer to the fullest?  Why not be the person who offers the "something more" to another person!  Why not be the keeper of Mary Kay's company? WHY NOT YOU?


The New Year with

30 new faces inJanuary
Print Tracking Sheet*







Make Celebrate the Dream! Seminar 2008 a priority!

Consistency counts! If youve already achieved Star Consultant status the first two contest quarters, you can be on-target for the All-Star Consistency Challenge by achieving Star Consultant status this contest quarter (Dec. 16, 2007 through March 15, 2008). You can receive special recognition at Share the Dream! Career Conference 2008 and qualify for Priority Awards Seminar registration!
Also, Independent Beauty Consultants can qualify for Priority Awards Seminar Registration during the Quarter 3 Star Consultant Quarterly Contest (Dec. 16, 2007 through March 15, 2008) by meeting one of the following criteria:
  • Achieve Sapphire Star Consultant status with at least $1,800 or more in personal wholesale Section 1 orders.
  • On-target for the Queens Court of Personal Sales ($24,000 in estimated personal retail production from July 1, 2007, through Feb. 29, 2008)
  • On-target for the Queens Court of Sharing (16 total new personal team members from July 1, 2007 through Feb. 29, 2008. New team members do not need to be qualified at that time.)
  • Independent Sales Directors (including March 1, 2008 debuts). Independent Sales Directors who debut in April, May, June or July are qualified to attend Awards Seminar on a first-come, first-served basis.



Wholesale Goal

New Consultants

New Consultants

New  Consultant          

Proud Team Builder            

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