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Star Consultants
3rd Quarter ~ December 16, 2010 - March 15, 2011



Star Consultant Quarterly Contest Totals
Updated 12/16/10 

PuttinOnTheGlitz_CC11_EN Puttin' on the Glitz at Career Conference 2011!
When you share the Mary Kay opportunity during the Puttin' on the Glitz Team-Building Challenge, Dec. 1, 2010, through Feb. 28, 2011, you can earn special rewards and recognition at Achieve ... Your Way to the StarsSM Career Conference 2011! During the contest period, Independent Beauty Consultants and Independent Sales Directors who add at least one qualified* new personal team member will receive a beautiful bracelet. (Independent Sales Directors who earn the bracelet at Leadership Conference 2011, will receive matching earrings at Career Conference.) When you add two qualified* new personal team members you'll also receive an invitation to the exclusive Puttin' on the Glitz Luncheon. * A qualified new personal team member is one whose initial order with the Company is $600 or more in wholesale Section 1 products, and it is received and accepted by the Company in the same or following calendar month that the Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement is received and accepted by the Company. For purposes of the Puttin' on the Glitz Team-Building Challenge, a new personal team member's qualifying $600 wholesale Section 1 order must be received in December 2010, January 2011 or February 2011.


And all the best in the coming New Year!

*Print 8pg Packet*


Countdown To The Holidays

C Call your customers. Its wise to do a sweep through every customer the first week of December to be sure they have enough of everything to get them through the holidays. You might check on their gift needs at the same time and tell them that you have wrapped gifts and stocking stuffers for their last minute emergencies. You might say, Do you have everything you need to look gorgeous during the holidays?
Order as early as possible anything you need for your own gifts and for your customers and their gifts. Make sure to stock up on limited-edition items early because they are, after all, available for a limited time only. Remember that the distribution centers will be closed a couple of days for the holidays. If you still need things, order early!
Use your time wisely. Remember, the holidays last a couple of days, not the entire month. If you take off the entire month, you might regret it in January. You might want to go ahead and book appointments for January with customers who want to start the new year off with a new look. Imagine what that will feel like to open up a full datebook on January 2nd!


Notice the needs of the people with whom you come in contact. December can be a great month to build your team! When someone tells you they want to wait until after the first of the year, then you might say, Great! We can start the paperwork now so you'll be ready to begin the first of the year.
Treat those on your gift list to a Mary Kay product gift. It will not only be welcome, its smart money management! Not only can you purchase quality gifts at a 50% discount, but those gifts increase the variety of products your recipient tries and this can mean additional orders for you over the next months.
Determine your prize goal in the quarterly Star Consultant program and plan your orders now. Be sure to check your totals to see if youre on-target for the second quarter of Star Consultant status ending December 15th. You dont want to miss out on special Seminar recognition as part of the Star Power Contest!
Organize for maximum effectiveness! This is the time of year that we usually have to wait in lines: at the post office, grocery store, shopping, etc. Always have something with you that you can do as well as business cards, Beauty Books, eye color and lipstick samplers that you can use to book someone with whom you are waiting in line. Also, bunch all of your errands so they can be done at one time.
Wherever you go, you may want to carry stocking stuffers with you. Make them quick and easy. Put them in cello bags, add some colorful shred and tie them with a ribbon.  Perfume Wands make a wonderful last minute gift for your Show-N-Tells!!
Never forget the REASON FOR THE SEASON, and have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends


*Print Postcards*

reat idea to mail out around Dec 20th!

You've been a very
this year!! Here's a "THINK PINK" Wish List for YOUR Santa to help benefit your MK Business!
  click here to print


Wholesale In

Wholesale Goal

New Consultants

New Consultants

  New Consultant          

Proud Team Builder             





















