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From independent national sales director sandy miller Team up with a local restaurant to woo their patrons with extra-special service on this special day. Ask the manager if you could plan to come to the restaurant on mother's day and present each woman with a beautiful fresh flower and a card for a complimentary facial. Each card has a stub for the woman to fill out and enter a drawing for a special basket of Mary Kay products. Also suggest that the restaurant could include a certificate for dinner for two in the drawing if they wish.

On Mother's Day tell each woman: "Good evening. On behalf of (restaurants name), we have something special for you. Here's a beautiful flower for you to enjoy and an invitation for a complimentary facial. Also, we are giving away this beautiful basket tonight, so fill out the stub on your card and drop it in the drawing before you leave. We'll be calling the winner soon. Happy Mother's Day and thank you for celebrating here at (restaurant)!" 

Collect all the stubs and begin calling the leads the following week. You can use this dialogue: "Hi, may I speak to Jane? This is (you), a Mary Kay Independent beauty consultant, and we met at (restaurant) on Mother's Day. I'm calling to let you know that (whoever won) received the gift basket, but I did want to call and give you the opportunity to schedule your complimentary facial. Have you ever had a chance to try our skin care or color cosmetics? Let's schedule your appointment today and if you would like, you can have a few friends join you" then send he a thank you card, brochure, and a small sample. A few days before the appointment call to confirm and tell her about the hostess credit. After the class send a thank you card.