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Children, Cell phones & Business Dress

Children, Cell phones & Business Dress

From: Debra Bishop

Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 9:49 PM

From NSD Linda Toupin...this is only what Mary Kay asked us to do and if we have any respect for her at all, we will follow her wishes.  We want our meetings to be professional and these guidelines on children, cell phones and dress make them so.


----- Original Message -----

From: Linda Toupin

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 10:11 AM

Subject: Children, Cell Phones and Professional MK Dress

I could not agree more with this email!!!!!!!!! Directors and consultants, it is up to us to uphold the Mary Kay image. Please don't fight it or get frustrated......its the way it is and I promise you it will benefit you to dress professionally and act professional. Let your guests know ahead of time so they will feel comfortable. Locally, for those of you participating in our new training center in Lubbock....no recognition will be given to you if you are not appropriately dressed in the center. Our dress code in the building, during meetings and workshops, will always be Mary Kay attire. Small children will be asked politely to leave, so make sure your guests are not put in an awkward situation with their children. Coach them ahead of time. We will keep everything the way Mary Kay designed it to be. Have a great day....Jan

 I do need to talk with everyone about 3 topics children, cell phones and professional MK Dress.

        We all love children, I have children, many of you have children however children have no place at a MK meeting. All the other women in the room paid to have childcare. All it takes is one child to totally disrupt a meeting. When the child cries one of two things happen to the ENTIRE AUDIENCEthey quickly sympathize and begin to wonder if their own child is OK..(now they are totally not present to the moment) or they become very irritated..they paid for child carewhy didnt she??  Either way it is a negative. NO one wins, the child is miserable because it is an inappropriate environment for a child, the mother loses because she is miserable and the audience loses.

In the future my policy at my events will be:

The consultant or director who brought the guest who brought the child will need to sit next to the door. When the child cries if the mother doesnt immediately move outside the room with the child the consultant or director who brought them needs to go out with the child. Save yourself this headache and stress to your guests that women do not bring their children to these events and your guest will need to provide childcare.


        Cell phones are a part of our professional and business life. Make sure before you enter the room that your phone is on vibrate. Again a cell phone ringing during a program disrupts the attention span of the audience and says subliminally that you think you are more important than everyone else. Again a negative without a winner.

        MK professional dress is a skirt, dress or suit, hose and heels. Consultants being honored up front need be dressed professional. The audience judges us all by the appearance of a few. I received several calls from other consultants in towns where stars showed up dressed in jeans, slacks, etc. Those who called had played by the rules yet others either were uninformed by their director or recruiter or simply choose not to. In the future we will not honor those dressed unprofessionally in the Top 10. Her figures will be not be counted.

 I appreciate those who may have differing opinions and I would support and encourage you in hosting your own events if you disagree with these policies.

 I put enormous energy and planning into my 10 Town Sweep to build and support all consultants. My desire is for the event is for it to be a positive experience for every consultant, every director and every guest. We cannot allow a few to make the event difficult or negative.

I appreciate you and your professionalism,

NSD Linda Toupin