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The One Product Blitz

Oh My, Oh My!!!  Just when you need a HOT idea, someone comes up with it! Thanks to DIRECTOR SUE MATHER for this awesome plan!  Read it carefully and then....... Get ready to take a QUANTUM LEAP in your business!!

This is an idea that I have used with great success this year - it's helped put me into the National Director Queen's Court of Sales! Use this "One Product Blitz" idea to get you the extra $$$ you need this month. DO IT NOW!! NOTE:  The sample order below will only take care of YOUR one month's blitz. If you want to have customers or friends do this blitz for you at work, etc., you will want to double or triple up on your order!

If you want a simple way to earn extra cash from your business - in addition to regular appointments or INSTEAD of regular appointments - try focusing on showing just one simple set or even a single product for 4 weeks. Here's an idea: LIPS AND TIPS DUOS": Pair up lipstick and nail colors in small cellophane gift bags from Party City or The Dollar Store. Tie closed with a piece of curly ribbon, etc. Punch a hole or cut a slit into your business card, slip it onto the ribbon or wire and secure. Then staple a lip dot in the color of the lipstick to the back of your card. Be sure to take the nail color out of its box, but put the box in the bag. Carry around 10 sets, most of which are in the most popular colors, with 10 mascaras in a small basket everywhere you go! You CANT leave them in the car in the summer - it's too hot. In the winter it's too cold! Have a few Beauty or Look books in the basket with your business card attached, and 10 sales tickets. The Duos are $17. The Mascaras are $8.50.

Then say, "You know, for every $20 you purchase this week, you get to select one product of your choice from our catalog at half price! Anything! If you want to add mascara, your total would be just $25.50 and you can treat yourself to the most expensive product in our book for half price if you'd like! Would you prefer a designer fragrance or a special skin supplement?" 

They have fun going thru the basket to see all the colors, and EVERY woman needs mascara. Sell 10 sets a week @ $24 = $240. Your profit is $107.50 and you could have 10 new WARM leads for booking when you check to see how they like the products. Also you've sold at least 10 more products at 1/2 price that can be reordered. You are on your way to Star Consultant by moving this product and having new booking leads! 

HERE'S AN IDEA: Give 3 to 5 friends or customers who work at offices or are always on the go, volunteering, etc., a similar basket and instructions. Give her a set FREE if she sells 10 for you. If she sells fewer, just give her part of the set. 

HOW TO ORDER FOR THE "ONE PRODUCT BLITZ": Order for 4 weeks! * 40 Lip colors @ $11 = $440 * 40 Nail Colors @ $6 = $240 * 40 Mascaras @ $8.50 = $340 TOTAL RETAIL: $1020 YOU PAY 50% = $510 + tax Add $160 more retail to your order, pay $600 wholesale . . . you're on pace for Star Consultant!! You receive 1 free product set from Mary Kay for your $510 order or 3 free for you $600 order, PLUS $430 profit potential for just carrying around a basket, showing and telling! 

WOW!  What a plan!  I am on my way to my product closet RIGHT now to see what I have on hand that I can pair up!  Let's see....I have an appointment at the Beauty Salon at 1:00.... Have to go by the bank.... grocery store... I AM EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!! 

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."  Proverbs 3:5