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Take Care of Your Customers

A lesson in customer service by Mary Kay

I once read that 80 percent of all lost customers was the result of  neglect.   Failing to follow up with continued guidance and genuine interest is like   planting a field, then never watering or weeding the crop. What could become   a bountiful harvest, instead results in a sparse yield.

When holding a skin care class or facial, remember that you are sowing the seeds for your future businessnot only in reorders, but also in potential hostesses and new team members. The relationships formed at that class can last many years and be multiplied into other new contacts, customers, team members and friends. The potential of even one class can be a bountiful harvest!

Remember, it costs five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to maintain an established one. Make your customers the happiest in town. When you take care of your customers, they will take care of you!