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Customer Service?

From: Kristie Sloan

I just had the pleasure of participating in an employee appreciation day with 2 other consultants.  A company invited us to participate, and their theme was a cruise.  We had great fun, and offered 4 varieties of pampering/learning sessions.  Ladies, this a truly untapped market for us! 

However, I wanted to share some interesting info with you.  At my table, I tried to remember to get some input from these ladies about any experiences they previously had with MK.   At two of my groups, almost everyone at the table had tried and purchased some Mary Kay products.  However, here's the interesting part, NOT ONE of them felt like they had a consultant.  In fact they kind of looked at me funny, like it was the weirdest question to ask.  In fact, I kept kind of stepping in different directions with the questions.  In the end, I found out that they didn't have the foggiest notion that we, as consultants, try to work with the same group of clients, and that NONE of them had ever been on anyone's mailing list!  Oh, wrong -- ONE had a consultant who had mailed her something several times, but had never called her.  Yet they all sat there and told me how great they thought the products are, and most of them had bought something in our line, at some time.

One young lady told me, "Well, I never asked for one (a consultant).  I just decide what I need and get it from somebody that I know who sells it."  (And that was different people.)   That specific group agreed that was the method they ALL used.

I began to question them about how they found out about new products, special offers, help with gift giving needs, etc.  They just sat there looking at me like they had no idea consultants did any of those things.  

Wow!  How many people do we know that just think MK consultants just sell here and there, hit or miss?  No wonder they can't imagine themselves doing this business.  Can you see how difficult it would be to make much money with that method?  Wow, drop your major reorders and where would we all be?  Yikes, I can't imagine thinking about that!

Hmmmm......  we have a lot of things to consider with this information!

What are you doing for customer service?  How do you "tie" your customers to YOU? 

And don't forget -- TELL THEM WHAT YOU WILL DO FOR THEM!!!!
