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Food for thought from NSD Sue Kirkpatrick:


Dale Carnegie taught, "Think, Talk, Act as if and then You Will Become".

So.....Do you want to be a successful Mary Kay Director on her way to building a National area?

How Does a Successful Mary Kay Director dress?  Mary Kay was so smart when she asked that we wear skirts to our meetings and any time that we are conducting business.  Why?

1. She believes this is a feminine business and she wants us to look feminine.  Yes, however, there is more logic than that.

2. Because of your image, you will attract women of like image and it continues from there.

3. You are leading your team and future Unit and future Area by example. Unfortunately, even if you are in a sharp pants outfit, because it is slacks, your team will start wearing not so sharp outfits, then jeans and before you know it, sweats, shorts and sandals, etc.

4. It is a known fact that people take you and your business more seriously when you are in business attire. (skirt and jacket).

5. You take your business more seriously when you are in a skirt and jacket then you are out in public.  Your image speaks, "I am a professional business woman."

Suggestion:  When you are dressing to go out where people are, ask yourself, Would a Successful Mary Kay Director or National wear what I have on?  If not, remember:  Think, Talk, Act as If and then you will Become.

And....even if you don't agree with any of the above, just the reason that Mary Kay has asked us to represent her that way seems enough. Out of gratitude and respect for Mary Kay and the opportunity that she has created for us, let's keep her traditions in every way possible. Thank you for representing our Area with your impeccable Mary Kay image!