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Generic Voucher
When you need to turn in a Voucher and you can’t locate one... this one will ALWAYS work!
Click here to link to our VOUCHER

Seven Day Wonder & Satin Hands Challenge
Complete the Satin Hands Challenge and be a  7 DAY WONDER  click here to Print off your Voucher.  Your Goal is to make 15 sales in your first week after you are pinned! Click here to meet our SEVEN DAY WONDERS
You're name will be here soon!  You'll get your RUNNING START BAG  that is described in the Seven Day Wonder Voucher as a gift from me when you attend NEW CONSULTANT ORIENTATION and are PINNED,  but you can start now asking EVERYONE to give you their opinion of the products you already own or the ones that came in your Starter Kit you don't have to wait for the bag!  Wherever there is a sink, treat them to a demonstration on their hand of "Satin Hands", the "Miracle Set", Private Spa Products, or Microdermabrasion!  Complete your SATIN HANDS CHALLENGE in your first 30 days for a PRIZE and every set you sell can count toward your SEVEN DAY WONDER Challenge, too! Using the Satin Hands you can say, "I need to get 30 people's opinion of Satin Hands (show them your VOUCHER 
SATIN HANDS).  Come over to the sink!" If they circle #1 then write up a sales ticket... Satin Hands $34 + sales tax... and have them pay you with cash, check (made out to you) Master Card, Visa, or Discover (credit card number, expiraton date & have them sign the sales ticket).  When you sell just 6 out of 30 you will have $204 in sales + tax = $102 gross profit which can pay you back for your Starter Kit!  If they circle #2 (that they want to get it free) then say, "Oh, I am so glad you would like to get it free!  I need to practice on 15 faces (your Perfect Start) and I have 4 mirrors.  If you get three friends together who are over 18 and don't already have a Mary Kay Consultant so that I can treat the four of you to a complimentary facial I will give you a Satin Hands Set Free for helping me get my 15 faces done!  Which would be better for you this week or next?  daytime or evening?  weekday or weekend?"  Even if all 30 people circle #3 that they aren't interested turn in your voucher in your first 30 days for a prize from me!
  BREAK OUR RECORD!! Click here to see who holds the record for the most Satin Hands Sets sold and most bookings >> SATIN HANDS CHALLENGE WINNERS!   I can't wait to add your name to the roster!