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What's It Worth to Open Your Mouth?

Don't like to chatterbook???  Got some serious "chatterbooking fear"???  If you KNEW you would have a $1000 week if you got over that fear, would that help??  Read this and see if it is worth it!!

Debra Bishop


From: Barbara Ashworth

Good Morning, Gang,

I pulled these great thoughts off Dir. Darlene Rutledge's web site!  Have no idea who to credit for the original, but this is GOOD!


Here's a question for ya -- what's it worth to open your mouth? What's it worth to smile and give a business card and get back a name and phone number? Here's what it was worth to me this week. And mind you, we're not talking about going out to warm chatter book .

Jeanne -- sat at a table with her at an Austin Newcomers lunch. $93. Theresa -- worked the check-in table at Weight Watchers where I attended. $52.50. Jan -- introduced myself to her knowing her daughter was a classmate of my son. $117. Bertha -- checked me out at Sears. $32. Susie --a mom I met on campus. $31. Kristy -- dance teacher where my daughter dances. $57,. Lena -- sold me an evening gown for Seminar one year. $33. Anum -- works at a boutique and exchanged an outfit I had been given as a gift. $121. Gail -- in my Sunday School class. $45. Britta -- took the links out of my new watch (won from Mary Kay!) $85.50. Kim -- Britta's mom. $131. Laurie -- met her at the neighborhood swimming pool. $83. Nancy -- a mom I met at the elementary school while having lunch with Marg. $38. Mary Lou -- Glenn (my husband) got her name and number for me when they were both chaperoning a middle-school choir competition.

That's $919. This week. Just from opening my mouth. That doesn't take into account the thousands of dollars in products that some of these women have purchased from me over the past years. And it doesn't include sales made to women who came to me at skin care classes, through referrals, or over the internet.

Now. Did I include the names of the women who said no to me when I offered them my services? Or the women who took my card, booked an appointment and then canceled or just didn't show up? No I didn't. Did I have those things happen to me? You bet I did! But I can't remember who they were, and I'm certainly not thinking about them when I put together my weekly bank deposit from the women who said yes !

So, think about this next time you choose NOT to dress sharply and have on your MK face when you're leaving home.

Think about it next time you let shyness or fear prevent you from meeting a friend you don't know yet (also known as a stranger!) and getting her name and phone number!

What's it worth to open your mouth? Think about it...and you decide!


WOW!  OK, go open your mouth to THREE PEOPLE today!  Call or email me with the results! 

I'll post the good news on the web site!  Have a SENSATIONAL day!