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Stepping out and stepping UP! Meet the people

I love Fridays because everyone woman in Corporate America is happy!  When I walk into their offices doing a skin care survey or handing out silk pink or red carnations attached to a sample of our products, they love it!  I get their name on a skin care survey or my business card, and set them up for an appointment later that day because I get their work phone number and home phone number!  The key is to book FAST or on the spot!  She probably has friends she could share her makeover with that are working in her office.  

Ladies, I worked in an office and I hated it!  If you would have walked in looking sharp yourself and a big smile on your face with a basket of hand cream samples or body care samples, I would have talked  your ear off and booked a facial on the spot if my boss had not been standing there.  

One very important point is not to take too much of their time, get their name & Phone #'s and promise to call them back, so that you leave the door open to call back.  This is especially if her supervisor is standing around.  If she is talkative and can't wait to book with you, BOOK HER!  YOU just be fun and charismatic and she will want to spend her time and money with you!  She wants to be PAMPERED!  I even have them try on the hand cream while I am visiting if she has time!

Make it your Goal to go out and meet those very financially and Emotionally Starved Women and share what we have with these wonderful women!  If you would have come into my office, you would have booked a Million $ Director and a National Sales Director!  Wow!  Get out there!  This is my favorite way to get out there and meet those Middle Class, sharp Women who deserve more!!!

You Deserve Prosperity and there is no reason for anything less with our wonderful Opportunity!

Love & Belief,

Deb Pike
National Sales Director