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I know that many of you are super excited about BUILDING your business in new areas! Thought this idea was sooo great! An easy non-threatening way to get out there and meet and greet those NEW faces!! Working with your current customers is great customer service...but working with NEW faces is building your business for your future! How big do you want your business to grow? How badly do you want to move up and or make more money??

SUGGESTION: Take a map out, decide how far you are willing to drive to increase your business, then draw a circle around your home town x amount of hours away! Where do you NOT have any customers?? GO THERE! DEVELOP!! Thank you Sarah Eley for this GREAT idea!!

Materials : Take a vinyl bag with a look book, big stack of business cards with attachment, 2 pens, and make a sign and tape to inside of vinyl bag that says Win $100 of Free MaryKay (Be sure it looks attractive!)

I went to every business and did not discriminate of what kind of business it was, and kept my eyes open for women. (I live in South Beach Miami and there are lots of tourists here this is why I focused on local businesses to get this done fast!) This is what I said:

Hi! May I ask you a question? (yes)

I am new to the area, am building/growing my business, may I offer you my card? (yes)

(wait to see if they say something, and chat if they do)

Do you like to win free things? (yes, or what do I have to do?)

May I tell you what I am doing? Today I have challenged myself to meet 100 people, because I don't know anyone here and am building my business. I am offering $100 of free Mary Kay product to one person who enters today!

(what do I have to do?)
Just enter your name here and fill out whether you would like a facial, have interest in hearing more about the company, and what products you are interested in sampling.

after they enter if they seem open I ask the following......

Would you like another chance to win? (yes)

Who do you know that would like to win $100 of free product? Just enter their name and phone number so I can call them when they win and make sure to put your name as a referral and I will give YOU $50 free product if your friend wins!

Thank you and good luck, I hope you win, and anyway I will be calling you to book your free facial! (if they checked the box). (You could also book on the spot!!!!)

THATS IT FOLKS! NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! I focused on getting many yes's with my dialogue....... and then asked for the name/entry, people were very friendly, wanted to help, did give referrals and I received 48 names!!!! Plus, an interview, a booking at a retail store for the following weekend to have a table and two restaurants to put facial boxes! YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Be yourself, change the script so it feels super comfortable for you, and have fun!