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I learned a valuable lesson today


From: Barbara Ashworth

Well, I did it again..... and of all people, I should know better! 


Last Friday, I called a prospective customer who is also an acquaintance that I knew.  She had expressed some interest in MK and I booked a makeover with her to be held this morning at 11:00.  Since I knew her pretty well, I suggested she come here and gave her directions to my house.  This morning I got up early, got everything straightened up, got ready for the makeover, and............YOU GUESSED IT!  About 10:00 she called me to tell me something had come up and she couldn't come! 


Could I have avoided this?  YES!  There are several ways....


1. I could have gone to HER!  It is just too easy for them to cancel when they get up and the enthusiasm of the moment is gone and they are having a bad hair day, and it's raining outside.... or anyone of a dozen reasons why someone might want to put off the time.  They just aren't motivated to get up and go OUT!  However, if I had been going to her, that would have at least cut the chances of a cancellation in half!


2. I could have asked her to be a model in my portfolio and said...... "Would you mind if I take a couple of photos of you in your new look for my portfolio?  I'll be glad to give you one as a thank you!" 


3. I could have said.... "Susie, I'll be saving this time for you and between today and Monday, I'll be turning down other women who might want this slot.  You can count on me to be here and I know I can count on YOU to come!"


4. I could have said...... "Susie, I'll have a special gift waiting for you!  I am so looking forward to getting together and I just need to know one thing before I select your gift..... do you prefer warm colors or cool colors...."  The gift could be a left over Limited Edition product, one of the pink case items, Whatever........


5. I could have said..... "Susie, I am so excited about our new make up brush set from the company and I would love to GIVE you a set!  These normally sell for $45 but they can be yours by just keeping our Monday appointment and having four friends join you for the makeover!"


I COULD HAVE...... but I didn't!  Instead I naively believed that because I knew her, I could count on her!


I think I have learned a valuable lesson here!  I hope it helps you as you are booking your TEN for October.......... OH, by the way, don't forget to order your TEN BRUSH SETS!  If you have them in front of you, you WILL secure those bookings!  I am ordering mine today!

Love, Barbara