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SUMMER Pilot Program



Summer Pilot Program

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17 Great Reasons for

Starting Your Mary Kay Business this Month

  1. Caring and sharing! Over the summer, you will see lots of people that you don't see regularly. What a wonderful time to be able to tell them about your new Mary Kay career they might want to become a customer or a business associate (or book a party)!
  2. New Career! Begin your training now so that you'll be ready to take advantage of a super selling season when the kids go back to school. This month women are ready for a fresh new look. Everyone is looking for a fun thing to do to beat the post-winter blues a new look and better skin (since more of it is exposed!). They want sunless tans, lighter summer colors, sandal ready pedicures, and smooth silky legs! If you wait until Julyto start you'll miss a great opportunity!
  3. Company coming? Do you have relatives visiting you over the summer? Play in the makeup with them and join the Perfect Start Club!! (And gain customers!)
  4. Partying! Get a new summerlook for yourself and help your friends do the same! They'll insist on buying when they see how great they look!
  5. Travel on Uncle Sam!! Traveling over the summerto see family and friends? Take your beauty case, practice on them, and write off all or a portion of the trip!
  6. Gifts at Wholesale Prices!! You can take advantage of 50% discount on Christmas, Mothers Day, Father's Day, Valentines Day, Birthday, Bon Voyage, Graduation, Wedding, Baby Showers, Anniversaries, Teachers, Secret Pals, Gift Exchanges, and Hostesspresents for your family and friends.
  7. Last-Minutes Shoppers! Make immediate sales by letting your friends and family know that your store is open for last-minute gifts and gift-wrapping services! So they can have more fun this summer, instead of making weekly trips to the mall!
  8. Presents for you!! Would you like a camera, an answering machine, or a computer? These are many other items that you might buy for yourself that can be tax deductible when related to your new Business!
  9. Tax Breaks!! You get to take tax benefits at the end of the year.
  10. Reach out and Touch someone. Mary Kay has no territories so you can share your products or your career with anyone anywhere in the country and even if you move your career goes with you. So when making long distance telephone calls to friends and relatives tell them all about your new Mary Kay Career and Products and you may be able to write off the calls!
  11. Money! Could you get excited about a career where you can realize your financial dreams? Would you be interested in a career where what you earn is up to you?
  12. Recognition! When was the last time you received positive recognition and heart felt appreciation from your current employer? When you do a really good job do you get anything other than more work?
  13. Self-confidence and Personal Growth! Isn't it nice to know that Mary Kay provides you with all the tools and training necessary for you to become a success? What other career allows you to make money, receive recognition and build your self-confidence all at the same time from day one?
  14. Flexibility! Could you see the benefit of having additional income and benefits without giving up anything you have now? Isn't it great to know that you could work your business either as a hobby, a part time or full time position? Just one class (2-3 hours) per week can increase your annual income by $11,000!
  15. A Career Car! Could you get excited about never having a car payment again? Wouldn't it be awesome to go to your local car dealer and be handed the keys to your brand new white hot Chevy Cruze, tax, license and the majority of your insurance paid?
  16. The Golden Rule! Can you relate to a company who conducts their business on the concept of the "GOLDEN RULE"? Wouldn't you feel great working for a company who priorities are GOD FIRST, FAMILY SECOND AND CAREER THIRD? Isn't it exciting to know that in Mary Kay you can advance in your career at your own pace?
  17. No Boss! Wouldn't you enjoy the flexibility of being your own boss? Setting your own hours? Vacations on your timetable? Having the best boss in the world? YOU!

Still need more information? Check out my website.

www.marykay.com/lgleason or the corporate site www.marykay.com

Call//text (651-538-0538) or send me a message at lgleason@marykay.com!

You can order your Starter Kit for $100 plus tax and shipping online (ask me for an email invitation) with Master Card, Visa, or Discover. Or order it with a personal check or money order made out to Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. by completing and mailing the enclosed Agreement.

$100 wont change your financial situation much one way or the other, but it could change your life!

I will be so excited to help support you in your goals for your new business!

Sincerely, and with High Expectations!

Lynn Gleason

Ind. Sr. Sales Director

444 11th Ave SE, Forest Lake, MN 55025