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Show Power

From: Bernice Hartwell


Wow!  Have you got those '10' booked yet?  I know you are giving it your very best!  Don't settle for less!!  Step out of the ordinary...this IS the FIRST STEP to Success!!

I first want to emphasize that you each reread your Director's New Consultant Training, the company CD's and your guide on Show Procedure!  Watch the DVD, more than once if you get the chance.  Having said that I would like to include a few extras:

You will get MANY NEW IDEAS...that does not make what youre doing right now wrong!  Please don't change everything, rather take one or two ideas at a time and incorporate them in to your present methods.

  If someone called you right now and asked you to leave for a class in 20 minutes, would you be ready?

Bookings are the Key to keeping it going.  Here are some suggestions to make sure this happens.  In the beginning you ask how their hands feel.  When they say great I ask, "Does anyone have dry heals?"  You know someone says yes, and then we book a foot spa I tell them I will make their feet feel as good as their hands, and I will save them the cost in product for what they save in runs in pantyhose and holes in their socks.  1st booking.

We also do Satin Lips at every class.  I always ask, "Does anyone use chapstick or blistex etc."  I explain to them just like our skincare if you don't get the dead skin off all you are doing is moisturizing dead skin.  This is a great seller, even for the person who doesn't wear anything.  I'm presently ordering these 10 or 20 sets at a time.  These are also great for your close when you say buy 2 sets get third half price, 3 sets get 1 free. 

Glamour on the Go - again, just my opinion.  We have found that the purpose of Timewise is to keep our classes simple, for the customer and for you.  Quick and easy.  So we now do the Glamour on the Go instead of the glamour cards.  We show them, romance them and ask for a booking at each class by saying, "How many of you women know everything you ever wanted to know about glamour?"  This is designed to get a 'no'.  I look at the person who loves glamour, and say "would you consider having our glamour class? and then I look at each guest one at a time and ask, "would you like to come to a glamour class?" and nod and smile, great, we will book a date and let you know'.  At your glamour class we will be doing Color 101, you will get to select a glamour look just for you. I show them the cards and share with them we will spend this entire time doing glamour.  Tonight we will be doing 'on the go glamour' to get you out the door and on your way each day.  (We use, Eyesicles (Vanilla and Bronze), Bronze Highlighting Power and Lip-gloss, Mascara is optional)  We sell it complete with Eye Makeup Remover and Mascara!!  Great sale, and its fast, easy and no applicators.  We use fingers to apply Eyesicles, cotton ball for Bronzer and fingers for Lip-gloss.  Booking #2

The most important part of your class is opening and closing.  This product truly does sell itself.  We just tell them put it on and take it off...."doesn't it feel great?"  If you have a super close use it, if not think about changing.  I'm a firm believer you are either 'in control or out of control'...When you are out of control EVERYONE feels uncomfortable.  Work on your close.