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Customers for Life

From: Bernice Hartwell


It takes a lot longer to find NEW customers

than to take care of the ones you already have!


What you do with a few customers is a good

indication of what you do with many!


Mary Kay has made this simple....its called Preferred Customer


If you haven't done this...START TODAY to put together your list for the next one!  We can't possibly mail or put together flyers less expensive then what they do for us!  Did you realize that the women who are in National Court ALL do the Preferred Customer Program? 


Systems...do you have a system for your profiles?  Take a box the size of your profiles, get alphabetical dividers and your off and running.  You may choose to keep it on your computer as well.


Each profile should contain ALL of your customers important facts.  Does she work?  Married, Single, children etc.  How often she would like to be called.  Does she want to receive PCP?  Would she like to come out as a guest for glamour etc.?  Her purchases, shades etc. and if she received a discount (in case of return or exchange) I also mark my TW. M, G, (Time wise, Miracle Set and Glamour Sets clients) in the top corner of your profile I use those initials.  If I only have 15 minutes to make calls I want to get to the 'sets' customers first!




1.  Arrange your profiles (or get your help you've hired to do it)

     See Customer Service Filing System for ideas and suggestions


2.  Judy Wertheimer sold 800 Hydrating Products - Read Taking Customer Service Seriously to see how she conducts her business!


3.  MK Special postcard, Referral Punchcard and My Referral Coupon are all suggestions you may choose to offer your clients.


4.  OPEN HOUSES and Holiday Coffees If you don't have a large clientele then I suggest you hold a Holiday Coffee, and do a presentation that pampers them with the various hand demos.  Do Hand facials, eye pencil and remove with oil free eye makeup remover, satin lips & lip-gloss with fingers and then satin hands to remove everything.  Share our spa sets, fragrances and sunscreens...HAVE FUN SELLING!

HAND FACIALS - you can do this anywhere and everywhere.  HAVE YOU EVER DONE THIS ON YOUR HAND? Do this right now!!  I ask customers do you ever have trouble finding the right shade of foundation. Or have you ever seen anyone with a jaw line?  This is why...you really need to use a cleanser and moisturizer to prepare the skin.  Here's how it works.  Pick a dark shade of foundation; I would suggest a bronze shade in full coverage. (If you are a woman of color then pick a lighter shade - it works the same)   Apply a small amount to your left hand.   Yes it will be TOO dark and doesn't blend.  Then on your right hand a small amount of TW cleanser, wipe off, then TW moisturizer and then a very small amount of the same dark foundation.  They feel the difference, it blends in even though it is still the wrong color and you need less for better  coverage. AND the left hand is turning darker! 

OPEN HOUSES - Tis the season.  You may choose to do 2 or 3 a year.  They can be seasonal.  Sometimes this is the only time your customers get to see all of the various products.  Again GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE...the more we can keep them out of the department stores...the more of our products they will purchase!!! 


5.  Service your customers....do you ask them if they have any weddings coming up? Showers? Offer to do their makeup.  Suggest a Personal Mary Kay shower or a Baby's Pamper Package (instead of flowers you use a Pampers diaper and fill it with $$ products)

Ask if they belong to any women's groups and offer to do a special program for them.  Offer to do Lunch and Learn at work.  You can do satin lips, lip gloss and satin hands. 

Yes you will gain sales BUT this is a SERVICE you are providing for them and its a fun break in their day at work!  If all they wanted were cosmetics they can go to the store!!  We sell them on the PRODUCT.....but to KEEP THEM...we have to SELL them on US!!!