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What Is Your Weekly MK Routine?

I am Torya Turner, Director-in-Qualifications, Peoria, IL

I am married, with a 6 year old daughter.

Here is my schedule/plan of action weekly


Sunday School-Church - Family time til 7a-4p

Skin Care Class b/t 4-6, Inteviews 6-7p

8-10 Phone Sales/Bookings

10:15 Director/Team Chat/write notes

10:30 business Org./wk. summary

11:00 Family time


Work J.O.B. 6:15-3:15

11:30-12p Lunch w/hubby

1 break confirmations

2 break referrals (5)- fax wk. summary to dir.

5:45-6:15p Pickup Guests

6:30 Facials at Mtg. Guests

7-8:30 Success Mtg.

8:30-9 take guests home if needed

9-11 (MK Social Hour w/MK girlfriends)


Work J.O.B. 6:15-3:15

Warm Chatter 11:30-12

1 break confirmations

2 break brain thought time

3:30-6p family time/errands

6:30-7:30p Warm Chatter at least 5 names

8-10 Bookings/Sales/Coaching

10-10:30 bus. org./director-team chats/notes

11-12 book writing


Work J.O.B. 6:15-3:15

lunch w/hubby

1 break confirmations

2nd break (dir./team chat - referrals (5)

4-6 Family time/errands

7-9 Skin Care Class/Mktg.

10p Family time


Work J.O.B. 6:15-3:15

1 break confirmations

2nd break dir./team chats

11:30-12p warm chatter 5 names min.

4-5:30 hair appt.

6-7 family time

7:30-9 Skin Care Class/Interviews

9p Family time


Work J.O.B. 6:15-3:15

11:30-12p lunch w/friend

Family Night


Family time 7-11a

11-1p Choir Rehersal

1:30-3p Skin Care Class/Mktg.

3:30-5p Skin Care Class/Mktg.

5:30-7p Skin Care Class/Mktg.

7p+ family time


Do you actually schedule THAT many classes or were those just the times you had available and you don't really hold that many?

On average I hold 3 classes a week.  I book 6-10 - at minimum 1 in every time slot-and many times book either a facial on top of that class or at least an interview.  I realize that 1/2 of what I book will hold.  I desire to have 3 classes every week but, each week is different.  I work better with a consistent layout of what my Mary Kay work schedule is that's how many times our job schedules are - consistent!  I made a decision to work harder for myself than I would any JOB.  Plus, I control the schedule so if changes need

to be made I can make the appropriate changes.  I have been consistent doing this since DIQ.  Prior to DIQ I held an average of 2 classes per week. I'm working to move that number up to 25-30 faces (5 classes per week).

Warm Chatter:

I was just wondering. Also, where do you warm chatter at and what do you say to the women you meet? Do you know about how many of them you book?

I warm chatter everywhere I go, it's a part of my life right now.  However, most of the time during the day, there is a place outside from my JOB that a lot of corporate women relax and eat lunch.  I usually go there during the day to get 5 names.

In the evenings I have been successful warm chattering at the mall.  I go in the evening because usually the corporate woman is there.  Also, I approach people coming from the stores I like to shop at - we have something in common.  I approach a lot of store clerks because I know they're working!  I desire customers that have money to spend :-).  I am working on booking on the spot.  Most times I follow up between 24-72 hours from receiving their card.

Typically most people book with me that I reach :-)  Even ones that I met months ago that I finally reach.  Just remember, half of what you book will hold whether you've been knowing the person all your life or just met them yesterday...that's the rule.

Getting the name:

Take card out.  I walk up to the woman, put my card in her hand.  "Hi, I like to give you my business card" Look her in the right eye and smile (most of the time) "My name is Torya Turner, I'm an Executive with Mary Kay and I would love to get your opinion of our product, put your name & number down on the bottom of the card and I'll give you a call." Hand her my Power Pen...usually they say, nice pen :-)  After they finish filling out the card I say, "Check off the items up top that you have you in a product line before whether it's Mary Kay or not" Take the card back, look at it and check for completion.  (Make sure the best time to be reached is answered) If they are not sure, I say "what's your work number; [they will respond] can I call you there?"  I say well "how do you say your name" - even if their name is Cindy still ask - it gets a smile out of them and they respect you :-)  "Great (their name) I will give you this part of my card, and I'm going to keep this part, I will be touch with you to schedule a time for us to get together" Have a great day.

This is what I do and it's the most effective.  The importance is follow-up....


I'm trying to get more appointments but am having a problem getting enough. I would like to hold about 5 appointments a week and I do approximately 2 hours of booking calls per week but I'm not meeting my goals. Any suggestions?

You've got to work with a lot of names (Currently I am working with 75 warm chatter cards) and still adding.  I usually get anywhere b/t 20-30 new names a week.  It helps your numbers tremendously.  Learn to love to meet people (that's the kind of business we are in).  I, before, wasn't getting a lot of people to be home when I tried to book...well I realized I was calling during prime-time family time i.e. (Friday nights, Saturday afternoons).  So I kept trying different days until I found timing that's right for customers

(get their email address) and people I meet.  Most women (who work a corporate job) are home during the week b/t 8-10 - small children they are putting them in bed.

Keys to successful booking:

Always book double of what you want to hold. 

Sound energetic on the phone (Phone is your friend)

Be confident that "everyone wants to book with you"

Call them at the time they say is best

Have a reward system for those who book i.e. brings a friend get $5 in free product or a free gift.

Have a monthly promotion different from last month...i.e. this month only I am giving all women who hold a class with me with a minimum 4 adult non-MK users $30 in free product!

Work through scripts with your director or fellow consultant.  Practice and make them your own.

Keep a booking objection list by your phone so that you can immediately overcome them....for example,

Obj:  I don't know if I have time to do this because I have small kids

I say Great, how old are they. (She will tell) if they are 5 & under I say...wow, I definitely understand how you feel (trying to find time for yourself with small children....I felt the same way, when my daughter was younger...but I found that when you take a few minutes for yourself for "Ahhh" time & a breather - being the 24/7 Mom doesn't seem quite as tiresome...if you need to, we can do a TIMEWISE express appointment so you can be in  and out of here in 45  minutes or less :-)  So when would be an appropriate escape time evenings or weekends.

I hope this helps.

Torya Turner

Mary Kay Executive