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Super Silent Hostesses

Earn while you are away at Seminar, [on a family vacation], or just because this is a great idea! Schedule Super Silent Hostesses. Contact your customers and let them know that you will be gone for the week to our awesome MK Seminar...give her any details that you feel may excite her! Ask her if there is any reason why she couldn't be a Silent Hostess for you while you're away.  I have offered 10% off for every $25 dollar order she gets.  If she gets 10 orders I will reward her with $100 dollars in Mary Kay for free. I do ask that she provide me with the names and phone numbers of everyone who orders so that I can follow up with a personal thank you note. Three Super Silent Hostesses will make our week away a great week for new contacts and sales!
On the Run to #1!!!
Kim L. McClure, Independent Senior Sales Director.

From: NSD Darlene Rutledge
We always say if you want your item free - sell 10....and get yours free (10% of the sales).  Or sell 5 and get yours free which is giving her 20% of the sales......I would say that is fair....she is doing ALL the work selling and delivering!   You have names to follow up on! How would you like to sell lots of product without a lot of effort?  How would you like to get a lot of names to follow up with of potential new customers?  Of course we all would!

You can use with your best customers or anyone who says they love the new product but cannot afford everything they want.  Just tell them that if they sell 5 they get one free! This is also a great way for  one of your hostesses to boost her sales during a hostess contest. 

Here is what I do for my silent hostesses.

I take the large vinyl drawstring bag and inside I put pink tulle and the following items: a fragrance sample, a ring with all the lip color dots hole-punched and placed on it, the cream to powder samples on a ring, the spa lotion samples, a nail color, a silent hostess sales sheet to record sales, my business cards (which I instruct her how to get the customer info side filled out correctly), and some regular line catalogs.

It looks pretty, and the hostess can carry it to work - when asked what it is she explains, gives them some lotion to try, etc. then gives my card out, and a catalog to look at, and she takes their order, and gets a check or CC number. I then have her staple their half of my card to the hostess sheet.

This has been very successful for me. I give my hostess 10% of all sales in free merchandise, or 50% off one item - their choice.

Tiffany Roberts
Professional Beauty Consultant