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Wedding Business - MK

I was just at a church fair this weekend and had the same dilemma. Since we can't sell, what we do is have a gift basket that we give away. Everyone that stops by the booth registers for the gift basket.  They do not have to be present to win.  We have them fill out a questionnaire that has their name, address, day and evening phone number, asks them if they've ever tried MK, if they have a consultant - if yes, it asks for her name.

The last item it has a box to check for "Yes, I'd like $10 in free MK products even if I don't win the basket."  If asked about product right then, what I did was make sure that they didn't have a consultant that was already servicing them (some couldn't find their consultants!) and then I wrote on the back of their registration the product they were needing. Then followed up ASAP so we could meet and they could get their product!

I got approximately 50 names this weekend!  And lots of good leads for other basket giveaways.  One lady had a bridal shop and wants a basket in there.  Another works for the Sickle Cell Foundation and wants me to come and do a program for their group.

You will have lots more sales if you meet with them individually or if they invite a few friends over and you can show them what the product feels like!  Also, they will be able to see for themselves what great service you give them, from the personalized attention and instruction to follow up to gift buying service, etc.!!!

Good luck!

Tamara Robb

Star Recruiter so-to-be Millenium Director

Member of JoAnn Blackmon's Blackmon Billionaires



Working with Brides              

Brides, brides, brides .... they are big business, fun to work with, and it's that time of year!  Many MK consultants across the country have booths at Bridal Fairs to make contacts; many have relationships with Bridal Shops to be the person they use for consulting on makeup ..... why not look into those opportunities in your area?
Blushing like a bride - Denise Kucharski

(New) Bridal Classes - Taken from Learn MK

Sophisticated flyer....why not make some copies and put in businesses like photography studios, florists, cake designers, tuxedo rentals, bridal shops, etc.......
Happy Sales!
Bridal Flyer- Thank you Ginger!
Bridal Flyer II
Bridal Flyer III

Bridal Ideas
Bridal Gift Certificate
Bridal Brochure