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Samples & Demos

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Include with samples in your reorders! NEW 8/28/06


Just want to share a concept I have been working with since late April and in-between scheduled classes and facials with new customers, I created what I call "Shop 'n Sample" appts. with my established clients.

Are you finding that you get a re-order, and some of the time just pop it in a mailing bag and send it out?  Or deliver it to the customer's house ...sometimes when she's at work...and either way, 9 out of 10 times you don't get to see the customer?  As my customers called in their reorders in late April thru June, I offered them my "Shop 'n Sample" delivery appt.

I take their order and in non-booked time slots, offer them this appt. to fill in my date book.  I take the black sample zip carry bag, offered from MK Connections, and fill and update all the pages with ALL the samples in every category imaginable.  I had 4 boxes of a variety of samples in my office....NO MORE!

The reorder customer gets their delivery with me and 20 min. to "shop 'n sample" thru my samples and take as many as she wants of the samples she would like to try----lipsticks, glosses, eye shadows, blushes, lip/eye pencils, supplements, foundations, fragrances....I have had some customers take as many as 10-12. They get 48 hours to try them and when they place an order of $40+ from their samples they get $5 off. Many of these customers are not interested in classes....and the standard excuse was  "I don't have time."...but with this concept .....they are loving
it. Here are some of the results in just 6 weeks ......in one week 5 of my reorder customers agreed to the Shop 'n Sample delivery appt.   with their reorder/delivery (1 just reordered her moisturizer, another her mascara, and 3 had PCP orders of $30 or more at the time of their delivery)   in 48 hours of seeing me and selecting their samples.....4 had reorders of over $120+each and one with $55 reorder.  Oh, the gal wanting only a mascara....she recruited this week as she came to me with another $115 in reorders and I sat her down with the Career Opportunity. 7 Reorder customers last week, in addition to their orders from their samples, took "On the Go Bags" for 1 week to their jobs and will hand their orders in tomorrow.

I also put in every reorder bag....3 coupons that basically say, " Present this coupon at your Mary Kay  Complimentary Facial Appointment and get $10 off your order"!   ( my name/phone/ email---printed on pink cardstock) I ask my customers to give them to 3 of their friends and they will get 10% off their next order for each friend who calls me with their coupon in hand.  (up to 30% off when all 3 call in one month) OR  invite 3 of your friends to your Complimentary Facial Class and give each of them one of these coupons ....( it guarantees the guest to show up and redeem her coupon at the class) then add whatever you are offering for hostess credit! 

I created this as consultants may have "snow blindness" on their date books but w/reorders....they can busy themselves and get to be "face to face" again with established customers!  

Bernice Hartwell

Here's a great way to gain referrals while being generous with your current clients! Check out the picture of the Loaded Look Book   "Load" it up with whatever samples you have on hand. Tape them on the corresponding pages. Along with TimeWise, Velocity, and Color samples, I  put in fragrance vials, and even stapled in a little ziploc of the most popular lipcolor and pencil samples.  Make up several and put three or four copies of the Hostess Sheet with each Loaded Look Book

Bernice Hartwell