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50% Club


Dear Mary:        

YOU ARE SPECIAL!  How would you like to belong to a 50% Club?  Yes, you qualify!

As a Basic Skin Care "Preferred Customer", you have the opportunity of purchasing your Mary Kay items at a 50% discount.  I know it is hard to believe, but it is true.

What do you enjoy most about your Mary Kay?  Excellent products, personalized service, try before you buy, 100% guarantee, free instruction, updates on the latest in the cosmetic industry?  Don't you feel your friends would enjoy these same benefits?  They can, with your help.  All you have to do is bring four women for a Skin Care Class.

Make your guest list now, and give me a call.  I am only offering this discount to a select number of my customers.  If you call me before I call you, you will receive an additional FREE GIFT!