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ABC's of Booking

From: Debbie Perkins


Thought this would be great to share!


Attitude:  We are offering a service.  You have the product that the customer should have; by finding you they have the best consultant because you have confidence in the product, the company and yourself.  Learn to appreciate your customers, have an attitude of gratitude.  Customer care will take you everywhere.


Business Cards:  Use them for EVERYTHING!  Include one when you send in bill payments.  Never give one out without getting the person's name and phone number or their card in exchange.  Write on them where you met her and what she looks like.  When you leave a tip at a restaurant, leave your card.  Give some to your best customers to give out---remind them to make sure they get the person's name and number.


Choices:  Offering choices and you'll be helping them pick a date for an appointment.  "What's better for you, the first part of the week or the last, morning or afternoon?"


Datebook:  A consultant's very best friend.  Keep it full.  The busier you are the better.  It is the most valuable aide you possess.  Record all of your facials, classes, unit meetings, recruiting interviews, and workshops in it.  People like to do business with busy successful people.


Enthusiasm:  For the booking, coaching, selling and recruiting is the key.  "I am looking forward to letting you try our new colors.  You're going to love them!  Just wait until you see the Spa Collection!"  Let your hostesses take advantage of every kind of class---skin care, advanced glamour, nail care, sun management, pamper sessions.


Facial Boxes:  Use them!! Florists, ladies retail stores, hair salons, doctors and dentists' offices.  With Mary Kay, there is no such think as a money problem only an idea problem.


Goal:  Have a goal.  Hostesses need goals too.  They must have a reason for keeping the show date and enthusiasm when booking guests.  Be it a hostess gift or free product---they need something to work towards.


Hostess coaching:  Clearly define the hostess' role in the class and it will result in higher class sales and outside sales (insurance).  Outside orders also provide o you with referral lists and leads to additional bookings and recruiting interviews.  Proper hostess coaching will avoid postponements and cancellations.


Image:  Always look the part of a beauty consultant; you never know who you'll run into.  SMILE!  Ask yourself: AM I wearing my product?  Do I look professional and poised?  Do I look like I am altogether?  Am I wearing my Mary Kay pin or another piece of company jewelry?


Joy:  Have fun!!  This is not a hard business.  Enjoy your business.  Life is not a dress rehearsal.  Positive attracts positive.  People will build a bridge to an island of happiness.


Keep a list of people for possible facials.  If you have a postponement you can call someone else.  "Hi Jane, this is Stephanie from Mary Kay calling.  I can't wait to show you our new Spa Collection.  Is there any reason why I couldn't pay you a half hour visit?"  No pity parties allowed.


Ladder of Success:  Climb the ladder of success by consistently placing orders.  Have plenty of inventory to serve your customers.


Men:  Skin care for men!  Who do you know?  Husbands, friends,, business associates, team mates.


N  Don't take no literally.  No may mean maybe and it may even mean yes.  Maybe means yes eventually.  No is a safe word.  People can always change their minds later.  Yes is too much of a commitment for them.  Even if they say no, "is there any reason why we couldn't tentatively book a date for later this month?"


Opportunities:  They really are everywhere.  Listen for dialogue openings.  A true story:  A director was in the cosmetics area of a department store when she overhears a woman complaining that a company didn't service well and never had her shade of foundation.  The director waited outside the store and approached the woman as she walked out.  "I couldn't help but overhear how disappointed you were.  I am a director with Mary Kay.  I know I have a foundation shade just right for you.  Is there any reason why...."  You see, opportunities do present themselves, you just have to listen.


Pamper Treatment:  If you hear someone in a grocery store line-up say "I am so tired", turn around and say "Then you deserve a pamper session!  I am a consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics and I am booking appointments for Tuesday and Thursday, which is better for you?"  Make sure you have your datebook with you!


Queen:  Treat your hostesses like QUEENS!  Everyone at the class will want to be treated the same way and book their facial/class.  Give the royal treatment to all your customers.


Responses:  Make sure yours is always positive.  If someone objects by saying "it's too cold out" turn it around into "well, it's be warming to get together with a couple of friends."  Romance everything.  Turn their frowns upside down.


Schedules:  Schedule your appointments as soon after the initial contact as possible.  Keep them hot!  Hostesses will pick the date furthest down the road.  Book only for the next two week.  The later the date, the more likely you will have a postponement.


Thank You's:  Be quick to show gratitude.  Hostesses love recognition and appreciation.  Send thank you notes to hostesses before the class if possible.


    Dear Mary,

        I just wanted to thank you for scheduling your check up facial with a few friends.  I have everything organized for June 10.  I am really thrilled about this opportunity.  We'll have a wonderful time.  Can't wait to see your new look.

    Thank You,



Unique:  You are unique and special.  Just be the best that you can be and do the best that you can do.  Everything will fall into place.  Look at everyone as if they are wearing a sign that says "make me feel special or important".


Variety:  Offer your customer variety.  Take impulse items along with you to your re-order deliveries.  They deserve everything they want.  Romance nail care, body care, gift baskets and free delivery.  People don't know how much you know until they know you care.


Women:  They love to buy, but the do not want to be sold.  By teaching skin care and color cosmetics, you'll find the side effect is selling Mary Kay!  Our soft sell techniques really work.  Belief in the product, company, and yourself transfers over to the customer.


Xtra Mile:  Go one step further with your customer service.  Be quick to respond to a query, refund or product return.  Always keep a promise.  Your reputation will be a magnet.


You:  Take time for yourself.  You deserve a pamper treatment.  Use an answering machine during meal time.  Exercise! Take time for family... remember your career comes third, not tenth.


Zillions:  Yes, you will have zillions of bookings in your datebook with skill, techniques, and a Mary Kay attitude.  It's fun to scan your datebook and see no blanks!