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Now is the time when you can SURGE to the FINISH line...

THIS IS IT!!! THE FINAL 60 DAYS! This is the time we find out who are the CHAMPIONS!! Now is the time when you can SURGE to the FINISH line... or Begin the Race for the Next year NOW and have over 13 months in the NEW YEAR!! It's the FINISH LINE FOR THIS YEAR AND THE starting gate to NEXT year!
Where will you end up JUNE 30TH....what are your goals?
Why this goal? What is your goal going to give you access too?
Why now? Why is it important?
Who is going to support you? Who are the people in your life that you need their support and belief to achieve this goal?
Who are you taking with you? Who is on your team, in your customer base, or new in your life that would be GREAT to have on your team? Ask yourself this question EVERY WEEK!
Are you achieving your goals?... working consistently to MAKE SURE they are reached?
Daily Decisions Decide Destinies, ladies...you can do it ONE DAY AT A TIME... HOUR BY HOUR! Or you will come to the end of the month and wonder where the time went.
You still have EIGHT WEEKS!
It takes STRENGTH and MOMENTUM! Strategize for both.
Have courage to have a funeral with your past-- let the past go- Don't be bitter! Be Better! be strict with yourself, discipline your time and your mind!
DARE TO SOAR TO RED (jacket), WHITE (Chevy Cruze), OR BLUE (Directors suit) NOW!
Are you willing to get busy? Are you committed to getting busy?
Are you willing to get passionate?
The busiest women are the most passionate!
Visualize! Update your goal posters & affirmations!
Don't ever play with minimums as goals... someone will let you down!
You must have a vision larger than your goal!
Be a BIG thinker!
How do you do that? Hang around with big thinkers!!
You become like the five people you hang around with the most.
PLUG IN to the positives! Positive tapes and books EVERYDAY!
Expect Miracles-- know that when you do the work with faith MIRACLES HAPPEN!
WORK towards those miracles!
Have a POWER surge! Go Fast!
You can Create Momentum in your business -
momentum = moment by moment activity! It is what you do everyday IN and everyday OUT....
Get the things that are holding you back- FIXED!
The pain of remaining the same must be greater than the pain of change, or you will never change! Change is not comfortable. You must be sick and tired of where you are in order to step out of your comfort zone.
It's not technique- It's attitude!
Have an intense FOCUS!
Run with your strengths and don't focus on your weaknesses!
Get in the ZONE! Give it your guts!
Put MK 1st for a short term to gain the opportunity to have your family 1st for the rest of your life! (with another J.O.B. ... would you EVER be able to put your family first no matter how hard you worked.)
Remember, it's a process you must go through... Keep working on the basics. God does not elevate you to the next level until you've mastered where you are....
Open your datebook... Do you need sunglasses to read your appt. book because it is sooooooooo white?
Here are some sure-fire ways to get some names on those blank spaces fast! Find something that really motivates you, whatever is fun, do it NOW! Be bigger than your fear of picking up that phone. Pick a theme... It's always easier to sell a type of contest/theme!
SPRING CLEANING Shake up your makeup!- Have a trash and trade party with their old NON-mk items--- 1% discount for each item brought to the class. You be the hostess and invite Everyone (different time slots--ex. 4 times on a Sat.) and introduce them to the MUST HAVE MK products they are not currently using. You want to develope PERFECT 10 CUSTOMERS... Customers who are using at least 10 MARY KAY PRODUCTS!
NEXT 10 PEOPLE WHO BOOK A PARTY GET a chance TO PLAY STUFF THE BAG at their party!! 5 Qualified GUESTS and they get a FREE ROLL-UP BAG & 40% off EVERYTHING THEY CAN STUFF IN IT!!
HOT MOMMA MONTH! Send out an email In honor of Mother's Day I am putting together a "Hot Momma" Portfolio! I am declaring May Hot Momma Month! My goal is to pamper and celebrate all types of Moms!! Just for participating you and your Mom will receive a free facial, makeover and before & after photo to be featured in the portfolio! You'll also receive a FREE Gift Certificate from me!
So, I am looking for...
1. S.A.H.M - Stay at Home Mom
2. W.F.H.M - Work From Home Mom
3. Military Mom
4. Mom of multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)
5. 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation Moms
6. New Moms (need lots of these - they deserve some pampering!)
7. Working Moms
8. Mom of all Boys
9. Mom of all Girls
10. Soon to be Moms
11. Stepmoms
12. Single moms
Customer Service Check-up! - Call ALL the people on YOUR PCP list. Call them to confirm they received the Spring/Summer look book and prepare to give them an updated look from the book.... Remind of free gift w/$40 purchase! The Summer book mails May 16th. Profile Updates!- When was the last time you contacted your customers to make sure the info. on their profiles is correct? Do you even have profiles for the customers from years ago? Now is the time and a great chance to offer an on the go appt. showing them the newest and greatest! Ask them for an appt. to update their profile, make sure they are using everything correctly and that it is working for them and to get their opinion on all the new products!
Teacher Appreciation Week ASK PERMISSION TO PUT goodie bags in each of the teachers boxes at schools, come in and do Satin Hands after school. MAY is the time to talk to every TEACHER & STUDENT you know about our SUMMER PILOT PROGRAM they can work their business part-time for three months over June, July, and August to make EXTRA MONEY!!
Nurses Appreciation week ASK TO GIVE goodie bags for staff members, do a drawing for Satin Hands
Mothers Day Help your customers, friends and family with gifts for mothers, mother in laws, grandmothers MOST MEN HAVE 3 GIFTS TO BUY MOTHER, WIFE, MOTHER-IN-LAW. You can also check with a local restaurant or day care center to be a greeter Mothers Day week-end giving roses for women and sign up for drawings.
Leah Dade on Facebook? Hand cream in a clear florist box / artificial flowers. She had sold over 1,000!! 1,000 HAND CREAMS = $10,000 in retail sales! This would work for Teachers, Nurses, OR Mothers!!
How about giving a Gift to the Mother of our Company May 12th is Mary Kays Birthday. What would be a birthday gift for Mary Kay? 10 show week? $1000 in sales? 15% to MK Foundation?
$1,000 week, calculator from me! High week will also get a Vera Bradley wristlet!! And the company is giving away $12,000 3 $3,000 AMEX cards a week in MAY, just for going on and posting a tip in Lets Talk!!
Graduation let everyone know that you wrap, mail, or deliver At Play sets, / gift certificates for friends and family members.
Here are NINE Everyday Success Pointers:
1. Can't means you won't try.
2. Your mind is the place where all progress begins and ends.
3. To every difficulty, there is a solution.
4. To discover a weakness is the beginning of your strength.
5. Whatever you focus your attention upon, you give strength to.
6. Nothing is impossible for a willing mind.
7. We can change our lives by merely changing our attitude.
8. To lose your fighting spirit is to lose all.
9. Some people make things happen, some wait for things to happen, and then there are those who say, "What happened?" (what do YOU do???)
I have a question for you....
Are you focused on the FINISH LINE
or are you focused on a DEADLINE?
When you focus on the FINISH LINE,
you are focused on the race!
You want to WIN!
You want to give it your ALL and
When you focus on a DEADLINE,
you are focused on minimums.
You just want to get the job done.
Words are powerful...
words create thoughts....
thoughts create actions....
actions create results!
Change your WORDS to change your RESULTS!....
MAY 31ST -- this month's FINISH LINE!