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Make a Decision...Get on the Phone (by Cindy Fox)

        Make yourself sit down and get on the phone every day.   Monday through Friday, for one hour and call as many people as you can for ONE hour.  Dont focus on how many people you get in touch with or what they say.  Just focus on being on the phone, solid for one hour.  That is how you can fill your date book! 
Even if you detest the telephone just make the decision -- that to get your Mary Kay business you are going to have to discipline yourself to do at least one hour of phone time every day.  After her one-hour is up, go and reinforce your efforts by doing something you want to do. 
            As John Maxwell says in his book "Believing for a Change", the most important thing you can ever do is make a decision!  Why not do it?  Spend one hour every day and call as many costumers or consultants in your unit as you can and use the scripts below? 
One more idea:
Why not also during that hour call people that you've interviewed in the past that didn't sign up and say, "Hi _______!  This is _______ with MK.  I know you're probably busy and I won't keep you but a second.  I've had you on my mind recently.  Do you ever think about MK?  Does it ever cross your mind?  I still think you'd be great!  I would love to have the opportunity to work with you and get to know you better."
Or you could start the call out as a reorder call and you are calling to see what she's needing in the way of MK products, what's she's out of or running low on and then say, "Jane, I am so excited!  I am in a contest to Gold Medal this month.  Do you remember when I talked with you about MK a while back?  Do you ever think about it?  Does it ever cross your mind?  Well, this month I am so determined to win a Gold Medal that I am offering a "signing bonus" to my new team members!  When you join by month end, I will take my profit from this reorder and put it towards the cost of your showcase!  Isn't that great?..."
You have to give them a sense of urgency and a reason to start NOW! 
 Make a decision to be in control of your circumstances and not let your circumstances control you.  Be pro-active.  Not reactive.