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Customer Service offers


AUGUST IS HOT HOT HOT!~ during the month ofAUGUST PARTY WITH ME and you get DOUBLE Hostess Credit...20, 30, or 40%of your class sales in FREE PRODUCT when you share a get-together with 2 to 5 friends at my office or your home! (Most people prefer my office so they don't have to cook and clean, and I have everything here so you can take it home without waiting for delivery.) You get a GUARANTEED $100 gift certificate when you have 5 guests! PLUS your name goes in my Hostess drawing for $100 in FREE MK!

Host an online Web Party during the month ofAUGUST get a30%Discount, when the orders total $300! Your personal orders count! I'll send you the email, and you can forward it to all your friends and family in your address book!! They can place orders on my personal website at their convenience from home or work and YOU get the Hostess Credit! When 2+ people order that don't already have a Mary Kay Consultant you will also get an AMAZING HOSTESS GIFT!

AUGUST SUMMER SIZZLIN' INTRODUCTORY OFFER: During AUGUST you can get A NEW TimeWise Repair VOLU-FILL DEEP WRINKLE FILLER at 25% OFF!!! 100% of women showed an improvement in the appearance of wrinkle severity! This advanced targeted product immediately fills in deep wrinkles and helps improve thier appearance over time. Don't forget to MENTION THIS OFFER, when you place your order.


Thank you for helping me expand my business!! As always, I will credit your account with $10 for every new client you refer!

Who do you know that might be looking for flexible hours and a way to supplement their current income? I am looking for five sharp women this month to add to my team and would always value your recommendation! She can live anywhere in the United States. When you refer someone who is accepted by the Company and becomes a qualified Consultant I will give you A $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE for referring her to me. Let me know if someone comes to mind!

When I work, it's a party! Discover what you LOVE!