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College Care packs - Back to School

From: Jackee
I am now starting a back to school care package for all my College students. I sent out a post card to all the moms, grandma's, saying that if they would like to remember that special someone with a carecollege can that I was preparing them! The turn out has been UN_REAL! I have 28 now enrolled! All of them start out at $25 and can go on up!You can do this with guys too! Then reward the person who bought the gift with a special section 2 and maybe a 20% off card!
I send out postcards telling them about some care packs that I am going to be sending! This year my theme is "Paint your Dreams" I take a Paint can that you may purchase at paint/hardware shops for less than dollar. Then depending on the price I include Fu-FU- paper, velocity, body & hair shampoo, bar soap,lotion, acne gel, shower gel, lip protector, shave cream, indulge eyegeljust give some choices and then I send the can in a box. Shipping cost around 2.80-4.00 so remember to include that! Also you can use section 2 items. Such as preferred customer gifts! Then I send the person who purchased their can a 20% off card! I also send a 20% off card during mid terms, or exams! This year when the semester is over I am going to send them a paint brush! Just pick a theme and take off with it!
From: Becki -
"Paint Your Dreams" is a great idea. I've also heard of using the paint cans filled with samples for young teen girl slumber parties.
Here is the message I sent my customers:
"I am now starting to take orders for back to school care packages for all your College students. Moms and grandma's, if you would like to remember that special someone with a college care package this is for you! All of the packages start at $25 and can go on up! You can do this with guys too! Depending on the amount you want to spend I include Fu-Fu- paper, skin care, body & hair shampoo, bar soap, lotion, acne gel, shower gel, lip protector, shave cream, indulge eye gel, lip gels and eye colors, all packaged in a cute box and mailed for you! If you have something special you want me to include, or a special message just ask! Shipping is free! I also send them a 20% off card during mid terms, or exams! And I will reward YOU with a special gift and a 20% off card for purchasing a college care package from me!"