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It's here at last:  The strategic brains of Directors Laurie Rowell & Annette Walters, & the creativity of consultant
Cindy Koons have collaborated to create a rewards program for your preferred customers/hostesses!

It started with frequent flyer miles...today hotels, credit cards (& even Coke!) have rewards programs. Now, so can you!

Just 36 Grand Rewards customers in the new Seminar year will put you in the National Court of Sales with $36,000!

Print & save the 6 files so you can run with this program all year.

"Consultant info flyer" will give you all the details, & the other attachments supply you with the tools.

Are you ready for a Cinderella stage walk to receive your diamond ring at Seminar?

"When you help enough other people get what they want, you will have everything you want." Zig Ziglar

Believe you CAN do it!

From Sr. Dir. Stephanie Glass
I got a call from Cassandra Toy with a question on how to explain the Grand Rewards program to her customers.  She had begun calling her customers to follow up on the post card that was mailed to them about the program.  What she found out is.....her customers who order a lot really welcomed the program, but some (especially the new customers) were a little hesitant about accepting the invitation to join.  Well.....tonight I got on the phone to call my customers who received the post card and I found the same thing.  In fact even some of my very best customers were a little hesitant until I explain to them how it works.  Cassandra and I decided to tell them that the goal was to earn 1000 points instead of saying.....the goal is to sell $1,000.  That's scary to them and it seems like a Huge #.  But, once I started to explain it saying.....you earn points they became open.  It took a lot more time on the phone than I had thought, but out of 17 calls I got 6 "yes" and I left some messages.  I had to quickly revise my script once I got on the phone and started to hear the responses I was getting.  Below is the script I began to use and after I started explaining it this way my phone calls got shorter and the response was much more positive.  Hope this helps!
Hope all is well.  Just wanted to follow up and make sure you got my pink post card in the mail about our new "Grand Rewards" customer program.  Simply put....it's a program that will reward you for buying Mary Kay from me.  You will have an opportunity to earn up to $200 in Free MK through out the year.  The goal is to get 1000 points by June 30th, 2009.  Every time you place an order with me.....every $ spent will equal 1 point.  I will be tracking your points for you so you don't have to keep up with anything.  Also you can earn points by referring customers to me, passing the book around and getting orders or by being a hostess.  Every time one of your referrals orders from me you get the points....not just that one time, but everytime they order through out the year.  I will also be sending you birthday gifts and anniversary gifts, etc. along with free samples, quarterly prizes and other extra incentives all year long.  I must get your OK to sign you up for this program and once you accept this invitation I will mail you your first gift.  Will you accept my invitation so I can start spoiling you?  I will also need to get your birthday (month & day) and your anniv. date or some other special occasion you celebrate.  Thanks for being a preferred customer....I really do appreciate you!

Grand Rewards consultant info flyer 

Grand Rewards customer informational postcard
print one side on cardstock, flip according to your printer's requirements,
then print the other side to get your double-sided cards

Grand Rewards Quarterly status postcard
print one side on cardstock, flip according to your printer's requirements,
then print the other side to get your double-sided cards
NEW:  No longer has a start date, and now has a generic June 30th
end date so it can be used every year.

Grand Rewards Dollar Checks

Grand Rewards reorder bag card
print on cardstock for sturdier cards, but paper would work too

Grand Rewards tracking sheet