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encouraging outside sales

Another idea from Kathy Helou and Debi Moore's workshop is in regards to encouraging outside sales.

Kathy says that at each class she has a little display set up to show what a hostess can earn for having outside orders when she arrives.  She uses the bags in the hostess section, starting with the cosmetic bag for the lowest amount, and working on up.  She has one option that if they have so much in outside sales, she gives them all the bags.    She says it's so fun to get to the class and almost not care how good the class does, because the hostess just handed her a bunch of orders and checks!   She talked about the fact that women will WORK for free things, and talks about how she had worked to get free gifts from Tupperware and Princess House long before she was involved with Mary Kay.   Think about it, look how we work for our MK prizes!