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So that's what recruiting is all about..

So THAT'S What Recruiting is all About!

by Ann Vertel,

So you think you hate sales and you're no good at it. Or perhaps recruiting (which is

also sales) feels too "pushy." You don't like trying to convince someone to do

something they don't want to.

Then stop!

Where on earth did you get the idea that sharing the opportunity was about hog tying

some poor unsuspecting soul, throwing them over your shoulder, and dragging them

into a happy life? Did someone along the way tell you that you had to convince,

connive, cajole, arm-twist, lie, fib, leave out details, put on a fake voice and a phony

expression and do your level best to force someone into a decision to join the


There are two ways to look at recruiting. The first makes you feel like you are doing

something smarmy and underhanded - that you are on one side of the table and your

prospect is on the other side of the table and it's a big game of chess. Your prospect

becomes your opponent and your mission becomes the defeat of all her objections

until there are none left and she simply surrenders out of exhaustion. This is the

mindset of scarcity and competition. A winner and a loser. A victim and a victor.

The second way to look at recruiting is through a mindset of abundance (there is

plenty to go around) and collaboration (we are in this together).

Now don't discount the enormity of the difference between the two - it is huge , a

chasm in fact.

If I showed you a gathering of 100 women and told you to go convince ten of them to

join, it might seem like a daunting task. But if I told you that there were ten women in

that group that didn't need convincing, they just needed to hear about the opportunity

and they would jump at the chance to join, and all you had to do was go and find out

which ten they were, could you do that? Of course you could (and I probably couldn't

stop you!).

That's what recruiting is all about. It's not about convincing women to do something

they don't want to do. It's about finding the ones that want to do what you have to


You simply need to sort them out. Let me show you how!