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Hello!! One of the biggest questions I got was on inventory training. What is it and how does it work? First off do not do this if you're new in the business. This is the thing that your director or recruiter does. Trust your director or recruiter she has been trained to do this. Secondly I have to thank my director and about 5 other directors that I can't name right now for this knowledge. I learned from them, copied from them and then added a few touches of my own. So inventory training! What and why? What inventory training is, is a session where you spell out to your new recruits what their ordering options are. You must do this or have this done to everyone you recruit no matter if they say I have $50.00 or $5,000. It is not all right to tell a new team member that they can start with no inventory and it is not all right to tell them they can start with a $180.00. You need to show them the smart way to start. The smart way to start is with a store and freebies. The company always offers freebies with a qualified order or more. So why not let your team members know what freebies they can
get. Word of caution though, women who start out with little may surprise you, I did. I started with $200.00, I am now a double car winner, almost winner of the diamond ring for Queens Court of Sales and almost new director. I had no money and no credit. But no one told me my options, if they had it would have been at least $1,800. Reason being is that I was committed to my business and I like freebies. At the time I joined I had little contact with my director and didn't return her calls. Bless her that she had faith in me and just waited for me to get out of my own way and call her. When you talk inventory don't be afraid of laying it on the line. New consultants need to be taught everything, including smart business about inventory. So you start off the session with telling her that you are going to explain some inventory options to her. These are just options and are not required. You don't have to have inventory to start Mary Kay but her business would be like any business you start and you need product. Let's say you start a dress shop. You get the building, the idea and are ready to launch the business. How many dresses do you think you will sell if you only have catalogs to look at and clients have to wait a week or 2 for the dress? They will go elsewhere so they can get their dress that day. Same thing with our business. Women who need foundation, need it today to wear tomorrow, not 2 weeks from today. By doing this session you're giving her the options to start a successful business. I always start with the diamond order and work my way down. Giving details about what they get, benefits and bonuses all the way down to $600.00. I don't discuss the $400.00 or $200.00 option because usually they see the benefits of starting bigger and just do it. Again I caution you, do not write off recruits who start off with nothing or little. These recruits may become committed enough to do the activity required to start this way. Recruits of mine that can start with little or nothing, I challenge them to do their debut and then 3 classes a week for 2 weeks to get their initial order in. With this they will get committed, see the fun in it and stay on track doing classes to work up an inventory. Recruits who start with $3,600, I challenge to do their debut and 3 classes a week for the next two weeks to get their perfect start in and start making a profit right away. Inventory training is a must in our business. I hope this helps. Heather Laurin Free Car Driver and Future Director