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SELL: Skin Care Class Atmosphere
This is an absolutely awesome message from Sarah Hjelle.  This is great training for all consultants....new or seasoned.  It's a past message, and Sarah mentions some things that we don't have anymore, (Flip Chart, All The Crave Bags, Spa Tapes) but I left them in, because you can substitute something similar.  Be creative!  This will get the ideas flowing...

Today I wanted to send you some training information on Skin Care Class Setup and BOOKING from your Skin Care Class!  I believe that the minute your guests walk into the room where they are about to be pampered is the single most important feeling they will have all night/day - along with their first impression of you!  This message is strictly about the ATMOSPHERE & the IMAGE you create when you are conducting your Skin Care Classes & Facials!!

LET ME BEGIN TO ASK YOU SOME QUESTIONS???   How are walking into your Skin Care Class?  Are you polished?  Are you professional?  Are you dressed to the 'T'?  Looking in the mirror at yourself - what kind of people will you attract?  Is your attitude jammin'?  How many bags are you caring into you class?  Are your sets packaged beautifully?  Are the copies of your closing sheets without blemish?  Are you happy, SMILING,  positive, and sincere?  Are you forgetting about making money and focusing on building people?  Do you have a booking incentive or two for every class?  Are you making sure that every client knows what in it for them?

Ladies - these questions aren't to 'beat you up' or make you feel bad for what haven't done in the past because TODAY is a NEW DAY and a new time for NEW HABITS!!  Everyone needs to improve on their class skills and techniques no matter what level you are at in your business!  Hopefully these questions above and the following tips will give you ideas on how you can improve your class ATMOSPHERE and IMAGE!

This past week at the Leadership Summit in Las Vegas with National Sales Directors Nancy Tietjen, Marilyn Welle-Villela, Gail Adamson, Marlys Skillings, and Sherry Giacristiforo we learned the importance of making each person feel good when their in your presence!  We learned to smile alot!  We learned that even if you're feeling not quite up to par you 'fake it until you make it'!  We learned that's not about us - it's about THEM!  Our National Sales Director Nancy Tietjen is a MASTER at making every person feel like a million - and every person feel special!  Ladies, if you ever get the chance to be in her presence, gleen everything you can from her - she's outstanding - and a role model like no other!  I can just imagine what her classes where like!  I bet every person left feeling like they could conquer the world - because that's how Nancy treats everyone!  Thats our job - it's to "show and tell"!  We are changing lives just by putting products on peoples faces - I challenge you to go out and hold a class in the next week - and really get into your clients!

1) Arrive in a suit, skirt, or dress.  Lipstick on, cosmetics done, a positive attitude, and a smile on your face!!  Don't forget to wear your Mary Kay pin and or ONE gorgeous award you have earned for a conversational piece!
2) Walk up to the door with no more than two bags!  Have your right hand available to shake the hostesses hand when she answers the door.
3) Ask the hostess questions - get into her - give her a sincere compliment!
4) Treat her as your EQUAL and as your business partner!
5) Your table should be 'to die for' gorgeous!  That doesn't mean that you have to spend alot of money or that you have to spend allot of time!  It means that your mirrors are clean (no fingerprints - I wrap a paper towel around each so that I do not get fingerprints on them after they are cleaned as I set them up), it means that each person has a nicely copied closing sheet and Beauty Book UNDERneath their tray.  It means that each guest has a disposable facial cloth and the appropriate brushes next too it!  It means that each guest also has a Color-Select Card with the colors that you have chosen for her and a profile card WITH a pen.(I put the profile card on top of my Styrofoam so that no dust particles collect in their trays prior to use.  I also put the Color Select card standing vertically in front of their mirror so their excited as soon as they sit down!)  My Flip chart is usually at the center or off to the side depending on the shape of the table - and YES I do use my new flip chart note cards and they WORK!!  Next to that I set the Miracle Set package in the white top vinyl bag.  In between my flip chart I have a loose miracle set to pass around (the Day and Night Solution are open so that I may demonstrate them at the class).  Also from time to time I will bring a small tape recorder that fits inside the bottom of my flip chart when it's on the table and I play either the spa tape from section #2, or relaxing music, or now Christmas Music.The CENTER of your table is just as important!  Right now I am using the Bee-lieve cups from the company as a booking gift!  Their great because it's not something they can buy!  I take it out of the box - repackage it with new cellophane and a bow - and put the cup on top of the box.  On each side of the box in the middle of the table  I have the other sets.  Mine are packaged in the All The Crave Plastic containers with tulle bows.  Two sets are in each!  Then the Satin Hands and the  Hand Bag are also in the center with bows. **EXTRA TABLE IDEAS - you could use small moonglow votive cups found at Wal-Mart (50 cents) for each guest.  Put one by each of their trays and light a scented holiday or aromatherapy teelight candle.  **Through the holiday season you can find inexpensive holiday ornaments at your local discount stores - take anywhere from 3-5 and tie a gold bow around the top and lay them throughout your table.  Stick with gold and silver so that the colors blend with your display!  **You could also use a fun placemat to put under each guests tray!
6) Booking gifts are a must & BOOKING FROM EACH CLASS IS A MUST (*If you leave your class without a booking it's as if you left $200 CASH in the middle of the table)!  First get them excited about Private Makeover Sessions!  Remember there not called a "Check Up Facial" anymore!  What I do is to wrap up a Truffle or a Black Onyx/Blackest Black eyeshadow and give it to hostess.  Every time I say Private Makeover Session they pass it clockwise.  Whoever has it at the end of the class gets to keep it!  TRUST ME - if you don't keep saying it - they WILL remind you!  In tip number five I mentioned that I use the Beelieve Cup as a booking gift as well.  I romance the hostess program on the second page of my flip chart and talk about the Private Makeover Session where I introduce the eyeshadow game.  Then I let everyone know that when two people book their Private Makeover Sessions tonight/today the hostess witl get the coffee and cream as a thank you gift!  AND I will do the same for them at their appointment!  It works and it's easy!!
7) Have a STUNNING recruiting page!  Share from your heart!  Practice your 2 minute I-Story!  Ask questions!  Give a few facts!  Peak their interest! You'll know who your next recruits are!  This page makes it easy for you to hand out and follow up with recruiting information at the end of the class!
8) ALWAYS Conduct Private Consultations!  Keep your integrity as you mention it at the beginning of the class!  Money is a private matter & it allows you to 'get into' your clients by asking questions!  This is where you confirm your bookings, and build your team!  Be sure you have your Miracle Set sitting there along with your perfume testers!  Have hostess packets, datebook, and recruiting information!
9) Make your class look easy and fun!  JUST HAVE FUN WITH YOUR NEW CLIENTS,YOUR NEW FRIENDS!  Build relationships because the work you do today will be your reorders, your pay for the future!
10) Your class shouldn't last more than one hour unless their are 6 or more in attendance!  As you practice up they will become shorter!  40 minutes for the class and 20 minutes for Private Consultations!  Remember if you make everything too detailed your clients will think what you do is hard and and they'll also think it's work and not FUN, plus you risk not getting bookings because there isn't anything left to learn at their Private Makeover Session!
Ladies - go out and hold a NEW PERFECT START!  You'll never have felt so good about your business and where you are going!  Have an outstanding day and a minimum $300 week!