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SELL: selling WORDS !!
For those of us who has had a MK business for many years, you know these,( since we always called our classes SHOWS....we referred to ourselves as SHOWGIRLS.....and we needed to KNOW OUR LINES......) but MY, MY there are soooo many others out there that have never had this info. It REALLY DOES make the difference in a class...........try them out. I have some new wording for my classes now... words can make all the difference ... grab their attention, paint pictures, keep their attention, make them remember you, and make the sale! And make them want to be around you more by being on your team!

Thanks to Fran for gathering these ideas, and to NSD Lynda Jackson for forwarding:
A few days ago I asked for input about "jazzing up" my classes with selling phrases that have worked for you!! I promised to share what I received so here you go!! I got some really great ones that I'm going to use for sure and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to write!! Thanks again! Fran
A couple of things I say in skin care classes that sell a lot of certain products:
Triple Action Eye Enhancer - "Ladies, when my house is burning, this is the product that I grab and run!" [Everyone laughs and everyone buys.]
Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover - "I have to tell you, I feel guilty even letting you try this. Frankly, it's like Mary Kay 'heroin'! Once you have one bottle, you're hooked for life." [Also let your customers know how well OFEMR removes lipstick stains. I say, "I've saved many a dry-cleaning bill with this product."] I sell a TON of OFEMR.
Night Solution - Emphasize the words "firming" and "lifting." I demo it on the neck, so I say, "Can you feel how firming that is? It really gives your skin a lift - you'll see a real difference in the morning."
And we always use the three-question close at the end. This really revolutionized my unit's sales. After your table close, you say: "Ladies, before I consult with you one-on-one, I need to ask you three things. You can just mark your answers on your brochure in front of you [Beauty Book page 16]. First, if cost were no object, which sets would you like to take home with you tonight? Just circle or checkmark them in the brochure. Second, when you have your customized color consultation [which you've been talking about throughout your presentation], do you prefer to have it one-on-one, or do you want to have friends like Susie did tonight so that you can receive free products? Just write 'one-on-one' or 'friends.' And third, would you like to be entered into a drawing for $25 of free products held at the end of the month? If you want to be eligible to win the free products, just write '$25'." [The free product drawing is something we do in our unit for listening to a Something More tape or having an interview. The consultant must turn in the interviewee's name and information to her Director, to be included in the drawing.] Then when you take each person for the one-on-one consultation, you can take their Beauty Book and say, "Oh Mary, I see you've circled five sets - that's great! That means you get the roll-up bag and one of the sets for free! Is that where you want to start tonight?" Then you take it from there. "I see where you want to have your custom color consultation with friends. I'm psyched - we'll have a great time! I hope you brought your calendar . .. "  "Oh good - you want to be entered in the drawing. All you have to do is listen to this 15-minute tape, then go through a quick survey with me over the phone, or in person if it's convenient. When do you think you'll be ready for me to call you?" Hope this helps. Carol

When I talk about the prizes and recognition we get as consultants for doing a GOOD job, I always show any pieces of MK jewelry I'm wearing. Invariably someone will asks me "Is that ring REAL!" To which I reply, "These are my Summer diamonds (Slight pause while they wonder what the 'winter' ones look like) - some are diamonds and some aren't!" They always smile and I continue "MK gives away both kinds and these certainly don't look imaginary to me!" Learned this from the fantastic Sr. Director Kari Kasenow, Caddy director who lost her battle with cancer 3 years ago. Kristi

My Director, Kim Luke, told me this little tid-bit on how to sell more Day & Night Solution Sets. She told me she sells about 3 sets a week. One day a woman was looking outside her kitchen window and noticed that her fence needed some maintenance. It looked weathered and was cracked and peeling. She had wanted to fix this up for some time now, but just couldn't find the time. So the next day she made it a point to at least give it a fresh coat of paint. She looked at it and thought that it didn't look too bad. The next day as she was looking out the window, she still noticed the cracks and all the spots that she tried to cover up. Now the moral to this story is if she had taken the extra time to prepare the wood, sanding and such, the fence would have looked like new again. So if we take a little time to prepare our skin before the finishing touches, our face can look like brand new also. Then go on and tell them about this wonderful Miracle Set. Go to InTouch and find the ingredients that make this product so wonderful and tell your clients about the most important ones. Antioxidants and so on. Not a lot of Jazz here but you will be smiling when you sell more Miracle sets. $$$ Hope you like this and Happy Selling!! Nancy Jacobson Wisconsin

Make sure you are doing the "Wrist Test" on everyone at your classes, whether you have just finished with the skin care & foundation, or if you do it at the end of the class so it's fresh on their mind at your individual consultations. If anyone doesn't know what the "Wrist Test" is, it's super easy to do, takes about 2 minutes, and really shows the guests how important skin care is! And you will be selling more Skin Care Sets in no time!

Do this at the end of your skin care/foundation segment or at the end of your class to show the importance of skin care! As my adopted Directors always say, "Glamour will make you look good 15 MINUTES from now, good skin care will make you look good 15 YEARS from now!" (If the guests have wiped the little wells on their trays clean of their cleanser, moisturizer, and foundation, put a little more of each in their trays!)
1. Have everyone roll up their sleeves, dampen their LEFT wrist, take a bit of their leftover TimeWise/Velocity cleanser, and rub it on the underside of their LEFT wrist, just like they did when they washed their faces. (Usually I have them put it just down their arm from where their watch fastens.) As they're doing this, remind them that the cleanser achieves the first three steps of healthy skin care - cleansing, exfoliating, and toning/freshening. **You can have them put Day/Night solution on too, but the basic set works just fine.**

2. Have them wash off the cleanser with their washcloth, then rub in some of their leftover TimeWise/Velocity moisturizer right over the spot they just cleansed. Remind them of the age-fighting (TimeWise)/oil-absorbing (Velocity) properties and how their skin is hydrated for at least 8 hours.

Now, here is the key part! Even with the satiny-smooth, wonderful new foundations, this still works wonders! (With Day Radiance, I saw more of a difference, but it's OK!)
3. Have them take part of their leftover foundation and rub it in over the spot they have just cleansed. Remind them that this step protects your nice clean skin from all the dirt, grease, dust, UV rays, etc. in the environment that we don't want on our skin or clogging our pores. Ask them how the foundation feels, how it looks, how it blends in... (You should get answers like "smooth", "it rubs right in", "it disappears", "I don't see it", "soft"...)
4. Now have them take some of their leftover foundation and rub it on the underside of their RIGHT, uncleansed, unmoisturized wrist. Ask them how it looks, how it feels, how it blends in... (You might hear "cakey", "rough", "yellow/orange", "I can see all the lines in my skin!", "gross/disgusting", "dry", "it's sitting on top of my skin"...)
5. You can word this to how it fits you and your personality - just get the main points across: "If you normally just try putting on cosmetics, without following the five steps of healthy skin care, you might recognize that THIS (hold up their RIGHT wrists) is how your face looks. But if you are on a good skin care
program, following the five important steps of skin care (cleanse, exfoliate, tone/freshen, moisturize, and protect), your skin will be soft and smooth and will be a nice base for your cosmetics and you will look great! It's just like if you were an artist - you don't want to start a painting if your canvas is dirty! You want to get the dust and dirt off it so that you will end up with a beautiful, flawless masterpiece!"
Happy Selling!!!
Kati :)

The one I use when working with the eye area is that the skin around the eye is 1/4 as thick as the rest of the skin on their face and that's why it can't maintain the moisture and where we show the signs of aging the fastest. Use the ring finger because it's the weakest finger we have and work in a circular motion---out on top and in on bottom. You just pat on the eye products because you don't want to have that skin sag and bag......They usually say they didn't know all of these points. Marcia

I have to give my Director credit for this line. At the end of the product presentation before you show the roll up bag I say this. "The easiest way to make women mad is to let them try our products and get them all excited and than not tell them how to get it. NOW, I'M NOT HERE TO SELL YOU ANYTHING BUT IF YOU LOVE MARY KAY AS MUCH AS I LOVE MARY KAY THEN I WILL FIND A WAY FOR YOU TO TAKE IT HOME TONIGHT BUT IF YOU DON'T LOVE MARY KAY AS MUCH AS I LOVE MARY KAY THAN I DON'T WANT YOU TAKING IT OUT OF THIS HOUSE! IS THAT A DEAL?" and shake your head yes. You just took all the pressure off of people and they lower there defenses that you are trying to sell them something. It works. Then you open the roll up bag and go through each set, reminding them what they used, how it felt, etc, as they circle what they like. Sometimes, depending on the class and body language, I also include that I don't have a clue what their finances look like that day but that I am willing to work with them to get them what THEY want to take home. Also in the individual close, after I have booked their follow up appointment and find out what they want to take home. If they have alot circled and are just going to by a mascara I ask them this "Susie, can i ask you a personal question?" they always say yes. "If money were no object and you could have anything what would you take home with you?" Let them answer. "Great, if I can find a way to work that into YOUR budget would you like to get those products?" Most of the time money maybe an object Tuesday night but Friday when they get paid it's not. Hope that helps, Heather